Technology: Future & Science: News: Hankyoreh

Waymo to call’automatic driving’ instead of’autonomous driving’
Intent to differentiate from Tesla’s’autopilot’

Google Waymo's self-driving taxi minivan.  Waymo provided

Google Waymo’s self-driving taxi minivan. Waymo provided

Google, which is leading the development of autonomous vehicles around the world, has abandoned the term’self-driving’. Instead, I decided to use the term “fully autonomous driving”. Waymo, a developer of Google’s autonomous driving technology, said on the 6th, “Some automakers are giving the wrong impression to the public that they are’in the area of ​​driver assistance systems’ by using the word autonomous driving incorrectly.” Instead, by introducing the term’fully automatic driving’, we try to differentiate it from the technology that simply helps human drivers.” In a post posted on the blog that day, Waymo said, “This may seem like a small change, but it may seem like a small change, but it is important that the correct language is important and this can save lives.” “Some car makers” mentioned on the day interpreted it as referring to Tesla, Weimo did not directly mention the name of the car maker, but “Cienen” reported that Waymo had been in conflict with Tesla in the past few months. With the launch of the $10,000 monthly autopilot system, the system described it as having “full self-driving capability.” However, at the time, the US Highway Traffic Safety Administration said, “This is a combination of Tesla’s existing driver assistance technology. It’s just an extension and drivers still need to pay full attention.”

Maps and actual road images stored in Waymo's autonomous driving software'Waymo Driver'.  Waymo provided

Maps and actual road images stored in Waymo’s autonomous driving software’Waymo Driver’. Waymo provided

The strict standards for classifying autonomous driving stages are also confusing

Fully autonomous driving refers to a state in which the car is driving safely by itself so that a person can sleep without holding the steering wheel. This is what Waymo intends to express through the term’fully automatic’. However, if you look at a video posted by customers who have used a prototype autopilot that is said to have a fully autonomous driving function in October of last year, the US media reported that the autopilot function is insufficient to let go of the steering wheel. Tesla also urges drivers to hold onto the steering wheel. Tesla says the hardware has everything you need for autonomous driving, but the software will come later. Nevertheless, Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk still calls it a’full-scale driving’ function. Musk explained the software difference between the two companies in a tweet last October, saying, “Waymo provides a highly specialized solution and Tesla provides a general solution.” However, it did not mention in detail what the criterion for distinction was. Experts point out that one reason for the confusion is that the five-step classification criteria for autonomous driving by the American Society of Automotive Engineers, which is a global standard for autonomous driving, are not strict. Waymo is currently piloting fully self-driving taxis without drivers in a limited area in Phoenix, Arizona. Tesla’s autopilot feature still falls short. However, Musk said on Twitter on the 2nd that “Tesla’s fully autonomous driving function will operate with more than average driver safety this year.”

Exclusive app for calling Waymo autonomous taxi.  Waymo provided

Exclusive app for calling Waymo autonomous taxi. Waymo provided

Will technology differentiation strategies work through terms?

Waymo launched a self-driving vehicle education campaign for the general public in 2017 with the title “Let’s Talk Self Driving”. Waymo said that the campaign was also renamed to’Let’s Talk Autonomous Driving’. Waymo had a significant year last year. In March of last year, it succeeded in attracting external capital for the first time, and launched the 5th generation version of’Waymo Driver’, an autonomous driving software, and launched’Waymo One’, a driverless fully autonomous taxi service from October. “Waymo drivers make billions of decisions every day to transport people and goods in a fully autonomous mode,” Weimo said. Until now, the automobile industry and the media have used’self-driving’ and’autonomous driving’ as terms referring to autonomous driving technology. Even in Korea, it was translated collectively as autonomous driving without any distinction. It is unclear whether the term classification strategy proposed by Waymo this time will work. It has not yet been agreed to translate the two words into Korean language as autonomous driving and automatic driving. Senior Reporter Kwak Nopil [email protected], ▶Go to Kwak Nopil’s Future Window
