Tears of environmental sanitation workers fired for kicking a snowman once

An environmental sanitation worker in a red smock is kicking a snowman. [CCTV 화면 캡처]

picture explanationAn environmental sanitation worker in a red smock is kicking a snowman. [CCTV 화면 캡처]

There was an incident in which an environmental sanitation worker in England who rolled a giant snowman approaching 2m was fired.

The British Daily Mail reported on the 30th (local time) that an environmental sanitation worker who rolled up a snowman made by Joseph, a 3-year-old boy in western Hereford, was fired.

The actions of the environmental cleaners were captured on a closed circuit (CC) TV installed in front of the house. On the CCTV screen, an environmental sanitation worker kicked a snowman with his right foot.

Taylor said, “When (son) Joseph cried that the snowman was broken, he checked the CCTV.” He explained, “When the sanitation center came in front of the house, the children waved their hands to greet me.”

In response, the Herefordshire state council expressed the position that “the sanitation center is an employee of a contractor,” and “I was very disappointed with the sanitation agency’s actions. I will not hire again.”

“I was surprised that kicking a snowman could make such a big impact,” said Woodhouse, an environmental sanitation worker.

“The snow will melt anyway, but it makes no sense that kicking it can lose my precious job. I’m a snowman killer. Isn’t it?”

“I apologized to the Taylor family. I sent a message to them after the news spread on social media, but they blocked me.”

He raised his voice, saying, “I will soon become a father. I have a family to feed on.”

Meanwhile, a petition of 256 people urging Woodhouse to withdraw from dismissal was sent to Congress. The petition said, “Woodhouse risked his life to work during the coronavirus pandemic. But what did he get?” Etc.

[류영상 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected] / 한하림 인턴기자]
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