“Teacher with mosquito repellent in kindergarten meal…

[사진 픽사베이]

[사진 픽사베이]

In connection with the incident in which a teacher put hazardous substances into children’s meals at a kindergarten attached to an elementary school in Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, the parents of this kindergarten appealed for severe punishment.

According to the Blue House National Petition Bulletin on the 28th, a petition was registered the day before, saying, “Please take strong measures to ensure that the perpetrators who committed terrible crimes are properly punished and dismissed and cannot return to teaching again. Petitioner introduced himself as the parent of the kindergarten where the incident occurred.

According to the police, the incident occurred in November of last year. The police discovered that Kindergarten teacher Park Mo put an unknown liquid into a meal for 11 six-year-old children. As a result of the police requesting the National Institute for Scientific Investigation to analyze the liquid bottle, a mosquito repellent component and a surfactant component in the detergent were detected. It is known that the police have not yet sent the case to the prosecution.

Petitioner said, “There was only one incident reported to the press, but as a result of the analysis of the police closed circuit (CC) TV (last year), the crime was found several times only in November.” I wrote it down.

According to the petitioner, the teacher Gahae casually put unknown liquid and powder into the children’s meals and mixed them with their fingers. The petitioner claimed that he could not find any anxiety about the crime. Cheong Won-in said, “The identity of the powder is not yet known, but the children who ate the meal containing the unknown powder and liquid had simultaneous headaches, nosebleeds, abdominal pain, vomiting, and allergic reactions.” Most of the children who ate meals complained of abnormal symptoms that they had not experienced in their lifetime, such as a child who shed a child, a child complaining of terrible abdominal pain, and a child who shed a cold sweat.”

Petition related to the incident of hazardous substances for kindergarten meals registered on the Blue House National Petition Bulletin. [청와대 홈페이지 캡처]

Petition related to the incident of hazardous substances for kindergarten meals registered on the Blue House National Petition Bulletin. [청와대 홈페이지 캡처]

In addition, the petitioner claimed that the perpetrator was denying all the crimes. In the petition, the petitioner said, “Even though I am obligated to protect children with the status of a teacher belonging to the Office of Education, I am struggling to get out of the legal system somehow without any reflection after committing a crime.” He wrote, “It shows the brazenness of proceeding with the cancellation request.”

“This incident is child abuse, but it is a serious crime against a wide range of targets,” he said. “Our parents will never forgive the teacher who committed a terrible crime by trampling the body and mind of innocent children.”

Reporter Oh Won-seok [email protected]
