‘Taxi driver assault’ Yonggu… “Two days later, we paid money to propose an agreement”

Input 2020.12.24 22:49 | Revision 2020.12.24 23:02

The testimony of “the starter and the meter were turned on at the time of the assault”
‘Assault while stopping’ is applicable to the special law, but the police close the investigation

In connection with the controversy over the assault of a taxi driver by Deputy Minister of Justice Yong-gu Yong-gu, the victim’s testimony came out that the vehicle was started and the meter was turned on at the time of the incident. He also said that two days after the incident, Vice Minister Lee came to him and offered an agreement.

Lee Yong-gu, vice minister of the Ministry of Justice, is present at the first subcommittee on the legal review of the Legal and Judicial Council on the Severe Accident Business Punishment Act held at the National Assembly on the 24th. /yunhap news

In an interview with Channel A on the 24th, A taxi driver arrived at Lee’s apartment on the 6th of last month and said, “You have to get off,” Lee said, “Who are you,” and said that he grabbed his leg with his right hand. When the taxi driver said, “This is a big deal. It’s all taken.”

He said, “The ignition and meter were turned on until the police officer came, and this vice-minister was sitting in the back seat.” According to Mr. A, the vehicle meter was reportedly turned on until the policeman arrived and the vice minister got off the vehicle.

The Certain Crimes Weighted Penalty Act (Special Privilege Act) stipulates that’in case of assaulting or threatening the driver of a motor vehicle in operation, including temporary stops for passengers’ getting on and off’, imprisonment for up to 5 years or a fine of up to 20 million won’ . However, the police did not apply the Special Act to Deputy Minister Lee, but treated it as a simple assault case and terminated the internal investigation. Police said they did not know that the engine was turned on at the time of the assault.

Mr. A also said that Vice Minister Lee came to him two days after the assault, apologized and proposed an agreement.

“Vice Minister Lee sent a text message on the 8th of last month (two days after the incident), saying,’Thank you for taking the drunk person well. Thank you and I’m sorry for not harming you even though I made a mistake.’ It’s the first time I’ve ever made a decision. What will be the desired settlement amount?” After the agreement, he submitted a petition to the police against punishment for Lee.

At the time of the agreement, Mr. A, who did not know that assault while driving under the Special Act, was severely punished, said, “The assault of a driver should be severely punished without having to cover up any controversy. If the driver agreed, the crime may be a little lighter, but It is not.”
