Tampa Bay,’Super Bowl Summit’ after 18 years

Super Bowl winning cheer
Quarterback Tom Brady of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, who won the match between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs. Kansas City Chiefs in the U.S. Pro Football (NFL) championship match’Super Bowl’ held at the Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida on the 7th (local time) Middle·44) and Tampa Bay players are cheering. Tampa Bay won 31-9 on that day and reached the top after 18 years. yunhap news

Tom Brady (44, Tampa Bay Buccaneers), who is considered the best quarterback of American Professional Football (NFL) history, wore another championship ring on the new team at an age that was overwhelming.

Tampa Bay defeated the’defending champion’ Kansas City Chiefs 31-9 at the 55th Super Bowl, an NFL championship match held at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida, USA on the 8th (Korean time).

Tampa Bay recaptured the top 18 years after winning its first Super Bowl in 2003.

For the first time in the history of the Super Bowl, he added joy by holding the championship trophy’Vince Lombardi’ at the home stadium.

Brady was the winner of the championship. Brady made 29 passing attacks, hitting 21 times, winning 201 yards. Three touchdown passes were also inserted.

Brady, who played for the New England Patriots for 20 years and achieved the feat of winning six Super Bowls, signed a two-year contract with Tampa Bay for two years and 50 million dollars (about 55.9 billion won).

The prospect that Brady, who left the arms of New England coach Bill Belicick, who is considered the NFL’s best resourceful, will struggle in Tampa Bay, the ’10 thousand years subteam’, was dominant, but the’class’ was forever.

With the largest number of Super Bowl championship rings ever in the NFL, Brady was thrilled to win his seventh personal career on the new team.

Brady’s 10 Super Bowl advances are more than double that of any other quarterback. John Earlway, second place, has five times to advance to the Super Bowl.

yunhap news
