Talking to Biden Putin… Ukraine warns of tension and proposes a summit in third countries

US President Joe Biden. /Reuters Yonhap News
Russian President Vladimir Putin. /AP Yonhap News

US President Joe Biden spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the 13th (local time) and warned of Russian hostilities. At the same time, he proposed to hold a summit meeting in a third country. This call is the second time since January 26, six days after taking office.

According to the White House, President Biden said he would act decisively against Russian actions, such as cyberattacks or election interventions in the currency. In addition, emphasizing the US’ unwavering commitment to Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial preservation, he expressed concern over the sudden military build-up of Russia on the Crimean Peninsula and the Ukrainian border and called for tensions to ease.

It is interpreted that Russia raised a strong warning voice as the immediate situation continued, such as supporting pro-Russian separatist rebels and gathering large troops in the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine.

In addition, President Biden proposed to hold a summit meeting in a third country within a few months to discuss various issues between the two countries.

U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blincoln, who is visiting Europe, also stated in a statement from the Department of State that after meetings with the Ukrainian foreign minister, he confirmed unwavering support for Ukraine’s territorial conservation.

Russia’s Kremlin Palace said, “At the request of the United States, a call was made between President Putin and President Biden.” “The current situation of bilateral relations and some international issues were discussed in depth.”

President Putin said that he made a political resolution based on the 2015 Minsk Peace Agreement in relation to the Ukraine dispute.

In addition, the Kremlin Palace introduced that President Biden had invited him to the climate summit held on video from the 22nd to the 23rd, and suggested that a plan to hold a summit face-to-face meeting in the near future.

President Biden’s call on this day is a move to seek a diplomatic solution while giving a warning voice to Russia.

During his first phone call with President Putin in January, President Biden fought over suspicion of hacking and opposition leader in Russia. Yes,” he replied, resulting in a backlash from Russia.

The White House said President Biden reaffirmed his goal to build stable and predictable relations with Russia in the interests of the United States.

The Kremlin also said that President Biden expressed interest in establishing cooperation in the normalization of bilateral relations, strategic stability and arms control, the Iranian nuclear issue, the situation in Afghanistan, and global climate change.

/ Reporter Maeng Joon-ho [email protected]

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