Taking online classes and taking exams

‘What to do with ghosts’, in which students who have already died take online classes and submit reports, has recently surprised Chinese society. This same thing was known when a foreign student who used the name’Lucy’ in the online space shared his experiences on the Internet.

A Chinese student studying abroad died in a car accident, but homework continued to be submitted, causing the school and teachers to be astonished. [중국 중신망 캡처]

A Chinese student studying abroad died in a car accident, but homework continued to be submitted, causing the school and teachers to be astonished. [중국 중신망 캡처]

According to recent Chinese media such as Hongseong Shinmun and Hwangu Times, Lucy posted an article on the Internet in early December of last year. There was an international student in China in his class, and unfortunately, this student died in a car accident in mid-November.

Overseas students from China who died in November last year
Homework and final report submission in December
Teachers are amazed and start investigating the truth
Dead students use’internet surrogate class’
Service without knowing the death of a student

Lucy took an internet class with this student and exchanged e-mails several times, so she was very distressed when she heard the news of the accident. But then something surprising happened. The dead Chinese student continued to submit homework and participated in the midterm evaluation, as well as e-mails to the teacher.

It is said that a company that substitutes Internet classes for Chinese students studying abroad is succeeding as Internet classes increase due to the corona crisis. [중국 환구망 캡처]

It is said that a company that substitutes Internet classes for Chinese students studying abroad is succeeding as Internet classes increase due to the corona crisis. [중국 환구망 캡처]

He also said that he submitted his last report a while ago. All the teachers who were notified of the death of this Chinese student were frightened. In the end, he started investigating the truth, and eventually found out that the student who died was receiving money and dealing with a company that took care of Internet classes.

In China, the substitute for Internet classes is called ‘Dai Sang-wang-ke’, and ‘Chang Seo-woo’ is a person who takes the place of class. Cang Seo-woo does homework, takes exams, participates in group discussions, and sends e-mails to teachers.

Internet proxy classes may be expelled from school for violation of school rules.  It is pointed out that students' awareness is needed above all else. [중국 바이두 캡처]

Internet proxy classes may be expelled from school for violation of school rules. It is pointed out that students’ awareness is needed above all else. [중국 바이두 캡처]

The problem was that Chang Seo-woo did not know that a student, a client, died, and kept doing homework and submitting final reports. Accordingly, when the Chinese media reported on’Daisang Wangke’, I could find a number of advertisements related to this.

Most of them had a nameplate of’XX Education, Science and Technology Corporation’, with explanations that they help foreign students in their classes. These companies set service costs in consideration of the country and academic background in which they are studying, the type of Internet class, the name of the Internet class, the time spent on the course, and the grades they want to get.

If a Chinese student studying at an American university wants to get an A in Internet class, he has to pay $1750 to the company that takes the class.  There are also discounts if you apply for a lot of substitute classes. [중국 홍성신문 캡처]

If a Chinese student studying at an American university wants to get an A in Internet class, he has to pay $1750 to the company that takes the class. There are also discounts if you apply for a lot of substitute classes. [중국 홍성신문 캡처]

One company boasted that among Changshou, who took the place of Internet classes, there were also PhD graduate students from prestigious universities, such as Cambridge University in the UK and the University of Pennsylvania in the United States. Students studying abroad at a U.S. university must pay $1750 (about 1.9 million won) to get an A.

On the other hand, if you just want to avoid getting an F grade, the amount goes down to $1350. If you apply for a surrogate class for several subjects, you will receive a discount, and if you have a lot of homework or the class is difficult, you will have to pay an additional 200 to 500 dollars.

Internet classes are increasing due to the coronavirus outbreak, and companies that receive money for these classes are emerging. [중국 인민망 캡처]

Internet classes are increasing due to the coronavirus outbreak, and companies that receive money for these classes are emerging. [중국 인민망 캡처]

These Internet surrogate classes began to sprout little by little before the outbreak of the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19).

Sheung Bingchi, director of the 21st Century Education Research Institute in China, said, “Internet proxy classes can be expelled by buying credits for money.” .

Beijing = Yoo Sang-chul, correspondent [email protected]
