Take off the 35kg skin, bite the hay and’click’… Ragged sheep’s metamorphosis

Sheep wandering in the woods, covered with fur, was freed from the fur with the help of rescuers.

▲ Barak’s 35kg hair cut. The hay-biting mouth seems to be smiling. [틱톡 캡처]

According to UPI news agency on the 24th (local time), a sheep was discovered earlier this month near Lancefield in Victoria, about 60km north of Melbourne, Australia. At the time of discovery, this sheep looked like a rag. The tangled and discolored hair covered the whole body and covered the view. Rescuers named the sheep’Baarack’ and transferred them to Edgar’s Mission Farm Treatment Center.

Barak’s dwarf body was revealed when the hair was shaved at the treatment center. Barak, who had a considerable amount of hair off, weighed less than the other sheep. The hair that covered the barak reached a whopping 35 kg. In a word, it was’a sheep with steamed hair’.

It is not known how Barak wandered through the forest, but the treatment center knows that it is a sheep raised on a farm once based on an identification mark on his ear. Barak is currently being cared for in a treatment center.

▲ Before and after Barak’s shearing [edgarsmission 인스타그램 캡처]

Barak is a merino variety. This breed has long hairs among sheep and has to be trimmed annually because its hairs continue to grow. An average of 4.5 kg of hair is produced a year. Flies and maggots are entangled in the lumps if they are not trimmed regularly, and movement and bowel movements are also restricted. In addition, heat and stress can lead to death.

Earlier in 2015, the sheep Kris, rescued by the animal rights group RSPCA near Canberra, has the heaviest wool record. The hair cut from Chris is 41.4kg, which is enough to make 30 suits for an adult man.

UPI News / Reporter Park Ji-eun [email protected]

[저작권자ⓒ UPI뉴스. 무단전재-재배포 금지]
