Taiwan kills 126 people in two days in cold wave

Over 120 people died in Taiwan in two days due to a cold wave from the Arctic. Normally, even in winter, the video is about 15 degrees Celsius, so many houses do not have heating facilities.

This is Beijing Songwook’s correspondent.


A man who was being treated in a Taiwan hospital suddenly collapsed.

This man eventually died of a myocardial infarction, which was blamed for a cold wave.

[타이완 병원 의사 : 추운 날씨에 자전거를 타고 왔는데, 차가운 공기가 심장에 안 좋은 영향을 미쳤을 가능성이 있습니다.]

Suddenly lower temperatures have resulted in the death toll throughout Taiwan.

The Taiwanese media’s Bin Fruit Daily reported that 126 people were killed in two days due to a cold wave from the 7th.

Many of the fatalities are elderly people with cardiovascular disease, and it is known that they have abnormalities in blood vessels due to a cold wave.

A homeless man was also found dead in a bathroom in a building.

Due to the recent arctic cold wave that hit the northern hemisphere, temperatures in Taipei and New Taipei City in northern Taiwan have dropped below 10 degrees.

In Taiwan, the average winter temperature is 15 degrees Celsius, but there are often no heating facilities, so if the temperature suddenly drops, there are many deaths due to hypothermia.

In February 2018, 134 people died in four days due to the 10 degree weather.

Beijing City recorded the lowest temperature in 55 years as the lowest temperature dropped to -19.6 degrees Celsius on the 7th.

The Neimenggu and Heilongjiang provinces in the north of China have fallen as close to minus 50 degrees.

China’s meteorological authorities predicted that the peak of this cold, caused by Arctic thaw and La Niña, has passed, but will continue to be colder than usual by mid-month.

(Video coverage: Ma Kyu, video editing: Kim Jun-hee, video source: Taiwanese People’s Newspaper)
