Taeyeon and Ravi’s dating snowy Christmas date

/Photo = YouTube channel'Simply Winner' video capture

/Photo = YouTube channel’Simply Winner’ video capture

The rumors of Taeyeon and Ravi’s dating broke out.

On the 27th, the YouTube channel’Simply Winner’ revealed the Christmas date scene of Taeyeon and Ravi. In the video, the two people covered their faces with masks and hats, but we couldn’t hide Ravi and the cute Taeyeon.

Taeyeon, Ravi/Photo = Hankyung DB

Taeyeon, Ravi/Photo = Hankyung DB

According to the video, Ravi visited Taeyeon’s house in Seongsu-dong at 10 am on the 25th of the last day, the day of the Crimea, and entered the password directly. Also, with Taeyeon, he moved to his house in Seolleung, Gangnam.

It is explained that Ravi showed affection while taking care of Taeyeon gently while on the move.

Taeyeon is 32 years old this year, and Ravi is 28 years old. It is known that he met with the introduction of an acquaintance a year ago and developed into a romantic relationship.

Taeyeon and Ravi are on Naver NOW, hosted by Ravi on the 21st. Taeyeon appeared as a guest in'(question mark)’ (question mark), revealing a strong relationship. In the tvN’Amazing Saturday, Doraemi Market’, which aired on November 28, Taeyeon revealed his friendship, saying, “Ravi, who heard the news of my regular appearance, called the PD and said’I am?'”.

Meanwhile, Taeyeon debuted in 2007 as a girl group Girls’ Generation. He was the leader of the team and the main vocal, and since then, he has been loved by boasting a wide spectrum of music by releasing his solo album.

Ravi debuted with the group VIXX in 2012. Not only is he good at writing lyrics and composing, but recently, he has appeared on KBS 2TV ‘1 Night 2 Days’ Season 4 as a fixed appearance, giving off charm.

Reporter Kim So-yeon, Hankyung.com [email protected]

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