Tae-nyeon Kim, live on YouTube, “I have to go to Busan again”

In addition, Kim Tae-nyeon, the Democratic Party's home leader, is locked up at a policy coordination meeting held in the National Assembly on the morning of the 18th. [사진 출처 = 연합뉴스]

picture explanationIn addition, Kim Tae-nyeon, the Democratic Party’s home leader, is locked up at a policy coordination meeting held in the National Assembly on the morning of the 18th. [사진 출처 = 연합뉴스]

Kim Tae-nyeon, representative of the Democratic Party, sighed, “I have to go down to Busan again,” not knowing that the party policy coordination meeting was being broadcast live on the 18th.

Representative Kim Won-nae’s quiet self-talk was captured in the video of the Democratic Party’s YouTube channel’Deli Democracy’. Some analysts analyzed that this was because it was difficult to pass the original bill of the’Gadeokdo New Airport Special Act’ ahead of the Busan Mayor’s by-election by the Busan Mayor.

Previously, the National Assembly’s Land, Transport and Transportation Committee reviewed the’Gadeok Island New Airport Special Act’ at the Legislation Review Subcommittee on the 17th. However, the ruling and opposing land and transport commissioners failed to reach a final decision as they were unable to narrow down their disagreements on the reduction of preliminary feasibility studies and exemption from preliminary feasibility studies.

Currently, there are two special laws related to Gadeokdo new airport in the National Assembly:’Gadeokdo New Airport Special Act’ (represented by Democratic Party Congressman Han Jeong-ae) and’Busan Gadeokdo New Airport Special Act’ (represented by Park Soo-young, Representative of the People’s Power). All of these bills stipulated the reduction of prior feasibility studies and exemption from preliminary preliminary trials.

Democratic Party lawmaker Park Sang-hyuk of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport said at the policy coordination meeting that day, “The subcommittee of the National Land Commission’s bill, which was fiercely held yesterday from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm, was a valuable time for the opposition parties to share the need for the Gadeokdo Airport and to build it as quickly as possible “He said, “We will reopen the subcommittee on the bill tomorrow Friday and pass the special law for the construction of Gadeok Island New Airport.”

Meanwhile, some media reported that the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport has agreed to drastically delete special provisions such as exemption from preliminaries due to an agreement between the opposition parties related to the Gadeokdo Special Law.

In response, a Democratic Party official explained, “The article that the special provisions related to the Gadukdo Special Law and the prevalence exemption due to the agreement between the opposition parties are drastically deleted and passed is not true.”

As the wavelength increased after the video was released, Kim said, “Don’t worry because the Democratic Party will pass it as promised to the Busan citizens,” he said. “After passing the law, I visited Busan to report the results. It meant’I will do it.’

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport is expected to hold a plenary meeting on the 19th and finalize the’Gadeokdo Special Law’. After the final resolution of the `Gadeokdo New Airport Special Law` by the agreement of the ruling and opposition parties, it can be submitted to the plenary session on the 26th through the Legislative Judicial Committee of the National Assembly on the 25th.

[김정은 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
