Sye-gyun Jeong, weighed again in the extension of the ban on short selling…”The system should be improved first”

Prime Minister Jung appeared on the YTN news program on the 20th
“Unfavorably operated short selling system”

Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun is speaking while presiding over the 36th International Development Cooperation Committee held at the Seoul Government Complex on the 20th. [사진=연합뉴스]

Regarding the controversy on the resumption of short selling on the 20th, Prime Minister Chung Sye-gyun said, “It is not desirable to resume this without prior system improvement.”

Prime Minister Chung appeared on YTN’s’Evening with News’ on the afternoon of this afternoon and asked a related question from the moderator, saying, “The short selling system in Korea has not been properly operated until now.”

At the same time, Prime Minister Chung urged, “There must be improvement or supplementary measures for the system that has been operated incorrectly.”

On March 15th, short selling, which had been banned so far, is about to resume, but it is interpreted as a remark that empowers public opinion insisting that the’prohibition of short selling’.

Prime Minister Chung pointed out, “Foreigners and institutional investors did not properly follow the rules, and relatively small and individual investors are conscious of the damage,” he said.

He added, “This system is not only in Korea, but all countries have it, so there is an aspect that has no choice but to respect the global standard, but it is difficult to operate it in the way it has been operating until now.”

Meanwhile, with regard to the government’s plan to form a collective immunity for COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) by November of this year, Prime Minister Chung said, “In order to achieve collective immunity by then, 60-70% of the people must finish the second vaccination by September. “He explained.

In addition, he added, “It is not certain, but as far as it is known, the effect will appear within 60 days (after vaccination),” he added. “If it is right by the end of September, it will take effect until November.”

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