Sye-gyun Jeong “Suk-yeol Yoon, my wife and heroic little… I have to put it down”

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 Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun is presiding over the COVID-19 Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters meeting held at the Sejong-ro Government Complex on the 26th.

Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun is presiding over the COVID-19 Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters meeting held at the Sejong-ro Government Complex on the 26th.
Ⓒ Prime Minister’s Office

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Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun said on the 3rd, “Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol must be self-respecting.” Prime Minister Chung criticized that “the prosecution reforms requested by the people cannot be carried out with the egoism and small heroism that only the prosecution can defend the Korean justice,” and said, “The word to take office is irresponsible inciting the people.

Previously, President Yoon criticized the policy of completely separating the investigation and prosecution of the passport, saying, “I will bet 100 times if I can stop it.” Prime Minister Chung’s TBS Radio on the same day <김어준의 뉴스공장>It looks like he is going to an all-out war by raising the level of speech more than he appeared in and said, “You are like a politician.” It is interpreted as a paving stone with the great power in mind.

Prime Minister Jung posted a post on his SNS that day, saying, “The position of the prosecutor general is not just for the prosecutor’s office,” and “President Yoon should be self-conscious about why the people are so eager for prosecution reform.”

“The prosecution should humbly take into account the national criticism that justice is a selective justice,” he said. “Strict law enforcement should be applied equally to the prosecutors themselves. Why can’t I see the beams in my eyes?”

At the same time, Prime Minister Chung pointed out, “I am very sorry as the Prime Minister who controls the administration for the comments and behaviors of President Yoon who agitate the people,” he said. “Administrative officials have a responsibility to follow the lines and procedures.” He added, “I will keep an eye on this situation closely,” and “I will think deeply about my role as prime minister.”

“Unlike the party, the Prime Minister is free to criticize Yun.”

Prime Minister Chung’s criticism of such intention is contrary to the position of the Democratic Party, which is deliberately pursuing a’non-response’ strategy to President Yoon’s issue. The Democratic Party believes that it will not highlight the political presence of President Yoon by raising the situation as in last year’s conflict between Chu (former Justice Choo Mi-ae) and Yoon. In fact, at the open meeting of the leadership of the Democratic Party that day, there was no mention of Yun. It is in contrast to the Chu-Yoon conflict.

On the other hand, from the point of view of Prime Minister Chung, it is interpreted that he is not trying to raise his voice as a leading power player while actively working on this issue. One Democratic Party leadership official said on this day <오마이뉴스>“There is consensus that the party doesn’t need to get involved in a’dog fight’ with Yoon Seok-yeol with the election ahead,” he said. I did it.

Prime Minister Chung’s official said in the currency, “Prime Minister Jung made a lot of effort to mediate even in the confrontation between Chu and Yun. Unlike the party that has to make political calculations, Prime Minister Chung in the cabinet can freely criticize President Yun. I’m in a position.”

[관련 기사]

Jeong Se-gyun “Suk-yeol Yoon, a politician in a press interview”
