Suu Kyi’s special envoy warning “Military will die like Gaddafi”

UN envoy to the United Nations “How many people should die”
“The possibility of civil war is growing…the international community needs stronger sanctions”

Protesters of the Myanmar democracy movement are hiding behind a barricade during a protest against the coup in Mandalay on the 15th.  〈Photo = Reuters Yonhap News〉Protesters of the Myanmar democracy movement are hiding behind a barricade during a protest against the coup in Mandalay on the 15th. 〈Photo = Reuters Yonhap News〉

A UN envoy, appointed by the elected members of a group led by Myanmar’s national adviser, Aung San Suu Kyi, warned the military that took power in a coup.

On the 15th of the local time, the UN envoy told Sky News, “If the bloodshed continues without strong measures from the international community, the people will have to defend themselves.” I urged you to return it.”

He warned, “If you don’t do that, you’ll be killed like Muammar Gaddafi.”

Gaddafi is a Libyan dictator who took power until 2011 after a coup in 1969.

He was killed in October 2011 after fleeing by militias who rebelled against long-term rule and iron fist rule.

He warned, referring to the words of a dictator who took power in a coup.

〈Photo = Reuters Yonhap News〉〈Photo = Reuters Yonhap News〉

In addition, the special envoy requested for international cooperation.

“There is a need to cooperate with neighboring countries in India, the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe and Southeast Asia to put pressure on the military.” Said.

“We don’t need words anymore, we need action,” he added. “We need stronger diplomatic, economic and political sanctions.”

It was also said that the protesters were losing faith in outside help.

“The military has killed us countless times,” he said. “How many people have to die in order for the international community to intervene in this situation?”

“If this continues, citizens will find it a very realistic idea to defend themselves,” he said.

On the 14th in a march in Mandalay, Myanmar, protesters of the democracy movement are holding a sign that says,'We do not accept military coups.'  〈Photo = AP Yonhap News〉On the 14th in a march in Mandalay, Myanmar, protesters of the democracy movement are holding a sign that says,’We do not accept military coups.’ 〈Photo = AP Yonhap News〉

According to the United Nations, 138 protesters were killed in Myanmar after the coup on the 1st of last month.

According to the civic group AAPP Burma, those arrested by the military are unable to contact them, and families are not sure what the arrested person is in.

In interviews, the judicial envoy repeatedly warned of possible civil war and called for international intervention.

Meanwhile, Myanmar’s military launched a coup on the 1st of last month because the election process was unfair.

Since then, it has been bloodshed by shooting live ammunition at the protesters of the protesting democratization movement.
