Suspicion of the girl of the month, Chu, abusing… Comprehensive unlike the facts of the agency

  Group Choo, Girl of the Month /Photo = Ten Asia Photo DB

Group Choo, Girl of the Month /Photo = Ten Asia Photo DB

Regarding the suspicion of abusing related to the group Choo, the girl of the month, the agency said, “It is different from the truth.”

On the 23rd, Blockberry Creative, the girl’s agency of this month, said, “First, we will do our best to prevent further victims by clarifying the relationship of the content related to the issue.”

He then emphasized, “There should be no more indiscriminate spreading,” he said.

The agency said, “If we damage the artist’s image and reputation with unfounded false information, we will take all possible measures to the extent possible.” “Do not condone the situation, and do our best to protect the rights and interests of the artist. I will tilt it,” he added.

On the other hand, Mr. A, who claims that she was bullied and bullied by the girl of the month, was bullied and bullied at school, revealed that she was “with Chu, but was suddenly bullied.” I wrote a post. Mr. A insisted,’I didn’t beat him or pick up money from time to time, but he booed, swears, and cursed during performance evaluation.

Below is the full text of Blockberry Creative’s admission

This is Blockberry Creative.

We are pleased to announce our position on the issue of the girl of the month, which is currently spreading online.

First, we will do our best to prevent further victims by clarifying the content relationship related to the issue.

Please be advised that the allegations made are different from the facts. Then, it should no longer be spread indiscriminately.

In addition, we inform you that we will take all possible actions to the extent possible in case of damaging the image and reputation of an artist with unfounded false information.

In addition, we will do our utmost to protect the rights and interests of artists without condoning the situation.

Finally, we ask you to refrain from reporting speculatively based on unconfirmed unilateral claims.

Thank you.

Group Choo, Girl of the Month /Photo = Ten Asia Photo DB

Group Choo, Girl of the Month /Photo = Ten Asia Photo DB

The full text of the position of Mr. A who claimed that he was abused by Chu

I am Lee Dal-so Chu (real name: Kim Ji-woo) and alumni. I was in the same class when I was in the first year of middle school.
First of all, I was a friend to hang out with even if not a very close friend to the point that I even went to Kim Jiwoo’s house.

When I was in 1st grade, I had a friend named ㅈㅇㅂ, and this friend felt like real life in class (because it was a male and female class, so there were only women in one class), and Kim Ji-woo stuck right next to him and played the role of intermittent separation.

He and Kim Ji-woo took turns bullying their friends, but the reason was always just because they didn’t like them. Then, a close friend with me was bullied, and I will call that friend A.

I was the only one who ate and talked with A, but Kim Ji-woo didn’t like it or told A as if I was the bullying leader, and when I woke up, I was the bullying.
Of course, I resent A, who only believed in Kim Ji-woo and never heard my story, but I can’t forget the appearance of Kim Ji-woo, who said as if he wasn’t doing anything wrong.

Later, he invited me to a chat room and sweared or threatened me, and at the school gate, he blocked me from going home and swearing at me (because I left the chat room).
Since then, I haven’t been able to eat meals at school, and I was always alone in the classroom during lunch time, and my homeroom teacher asked what was going on, but I couldn’t tell anyone at the time, and I didn’t want to remember that time, so I didn’t collect any evidence.

A little bit of time passed, and around the end of my first year, I asked Ji-Woo Kim what she did not like so much, and whether it was such a big mistake that I was with A, and Ji-Woo Kim said that there was a reason for that, but she did not like it before. So when I asked what the reason was, I used to play with my friends in the underground parking lot of Kim Ji-woo’s house. At that time, at an early time, Kim Ji-woo said that she would have to go home, and my mom said that she would be worried, and I said that she was worried, but that was bad. She said she treated her as a sensitive and strict person. It was so ridiculous that I still remember. Did I say something so rude? I was so embarrassed where it meant that your mother was really sensitive, and it was so absurd that I spent a hellish first grader just for this reason. Since then, I’ve changed my personality a lot, so when I look at the rolling papers in 2nd grade, everyone is too quiet. There are many sayings that children who don’t know the bottom line are quiet compared to last year.

Since I’m trying to write it all together, I don’t know what to say and how to write it. I will keep adding anything I missed. Since there are no pictures of evidence, I will try to write as much detail as possible.

+ There was a red ballpoint pen mark that was accidentally drawn on the pen that I lost, but it was in the Kim Ji-woo pencil case. When I asked if he had picked this up, he said he bought it until the end, and he couldn’t find it.

+It was time to see performance evaluation during music class. When I came to the front, I really shy away from it. I remember this very vividly. Since that time, whenever I step in front of others, I have a lot of atrophy, so it took a lot of effort and time to fix it.

+I think there was nothing wrong, but Kim Ji-woo kept asking me to apologize, and when I invited to the chat room, I went out again, and when I invited to go out, I remember pulling my hair at home and asking why I didn’t apologize.
(There were all sorts of swear words and untrue stories in the chat room. I can’t remember the details, but I remember being scared by my young heart at that time. I invited some unknown senior and threatened me. I also remember. It was another child who invited the senior, but there was also Kim Ji-woo.)

+ He criticized me for the smell. I asked you to wash your hair. At that time, even though I was washing my hair every day, I was in puberty, so my hair quickly broke, and then I was cursed, so I washed my hair three times a day during vacation.

Of course, I haven’t been hitting or breaking money from time to time like other year-to-year controversy.
But this is also obvious school violence.

Seeing that someone else posted a certification post, there were some people who said that what kind of contemplation is not that contemplative, but those words hurt the victims twice. I won’t say anything about staying neutral. It’s your own freedom. But please don’t tell me I’m lying for ridiculous reasons.

Obviously, there will be another refutation. There are those groups among the mountains. They are a group of people who casually harass others and say that they are not because you acted that way. I think maybe they will strike a shield of blood among themselves. However, all of the posts I have posted are true, and there will be more friends and victims that I remember besides me.

Reporter Ji-ye Choi [email protected]

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