Suspicion of Hak-Bok, nicknamed Hyeonsan-gun basketball star broadcaster because it was hit as a chess board

“I’m running errands to buy snacks for ridiculous money”
“I was a terrible dictator like Kim Jong-un.”

Basketball game.  Not directly related to this incident.  Photo = Yonhap News

Basketball game. Not directly related to this incident. Photo = Yonhap News

H, a broadcaster who was a basketball player, was suspicious of school violence.

On the 14th, an article titled “The Truth About H, the best basketball player of the day,” was posted in the online community’s Baby Dream.

Author A said, “It’s too old, so I’ve forgotten about it. But these days, the controversy over the academia is growing and it seems to be an issue, so I’m writing to reveal it too.”

Mr. A released a listing picture, saying he was a two-year junior who worked out at the same school as Mr. H.

Mr. A said, “Mr. H was a basketball player from national university, his father was in business, and Mr. H was exceptionally good at sports.” Insisted.

According to what Mr. A revealed, Mr. H asked him to get permission first if he tried to go to the hospital or take a break from exercise because his juniors were sick, and when someone made a mistake and was scolded by the coach, he made a group group to bomb Wonsan on the playground did. Those who couldn’t hold up were beaten with their fists or feet.

He also claimed that Mr. H beat his juniors with the corners of the chessboard, and gave him ridiculous money and ordered him to buy snacks.

Mr. A also claimed that Mr. H was forced to go to a prostitution place with three colleagues and a junior on the night before the final of the national sports competition in high school.

Mr. A said, “I still get goosebumps when I think that Mr. H himself did all kinds of bad things and hit him to the point where he died for making mistakes.” In the country, there existed a terrible dictator H, such as Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-il, and Kim Jong-un,” he said.

“I think all of the juniors who have lived with him will sympathize with him,” he wrote. “The juniors called him’Hyeonsan-gun’.”

Mr. A said, “With a sincere apology, I hope that I will not appear on TV or YouTube in the future.” He also mentioned the possibility of further disclosure.

Reporter Kim Myung-il, [email protected]

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