Suspected for distributing prize money to the production crew of Jang Seong-gyu for fraudulent solicitation

Jang Seong-gyu/Photo = Hankyung DB

Jang Seong-gyu/Photo = Hankyung DB

JTBC former announcer and broadcaster Jang Seong-gyu was sued for fraudulent solicitation and was investigated by the police.

On the afternoon of the 13th, Jang Seong-gyu said through his social network service (SNS), “I was investigated. I was sued for sharing the 5 million won in the radio excellent DJ prize at the end of the year.”

“I thought it wasn’t the money I would receive, and because it was a good point, and because it was an inexpensive gift that I didn’t want anything, I told PD, who refused money, that if it was a gift for fraud, I was forced to get it.” Revealed.

He also added, “I was short of my thoughts, and I was proud of myself to share the prize money. I was narcissistic, and I didn’t even realize that it could be uncomfortable for some people and that it could be against the law.”

Jang Seong-gyu apologized, “The punishment has not yet come out, but I promise to take responsibility for everything if the punishment to be received is sweet and if any damage occurs to the family members who have received the money.

Currently, Seong-gyu Jang is in charge of the MBC FM4U’Good Morning FM Seong-gyu Jang’. He was selected as an excellent host on the 25th of last month and received a bonus of 5 million won.

In response, he revealed the details of the remittance that he shared with the staff, saying, “I gave it to those who are the true heroes of this prize.

Jeongho Kim, guest reporter at [email protected]

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