Surviving the SSG outfield, Shin-soo Choo is not always my place

Surviving the SSG outfield, Shin-su Choo

[엑스포츠뉴스 울산, 조은혜 기자] ‘World Class’ Choo Shin-soo joins the team, and Lee Ho-jae, who speaks of an increase in the team’s power, may have been a good match for someone who competed fiercely for an opportunity like a pinhole. But the professional world is cold. SSG coach Won-hyung Kim and Shin-soo Choo believed in the efforts of the players.

SSG and Choo Shin-soo’s contract of 2.7 billion won meant that one position and one lineup of the starting lineup would be filled with this name. Originally, coach Kim Won-hyung’s outfield idea was to entrust the leading left fielder to players who stand out among center fielder Choi Ji-hoon and Hanyu Island right fielder and Tae-gon Oh, Jong-wook Go, and Jeong-yoon Eui-yoon. However, as Choo Shin-soo entered, the left fielder’s seat was filled at once.

Director Kim Won-hyung said, “Cho Shin-soo said he is ready to play in any position if the team wants,” and said, “The position where Choo Shin-soo played a lot is right fielder, but there is Hanyu Island in that position. I think it is my responsibility to maximize the player’s ability. If Shinsoo Choo had been recruited faster, Hanyu Island could have practiced left fielder. He said, “I am trying to train left fielders occasionally,” he said, saying why he thinks Shinsoo Choo is a left fielder.

It is said that the team is getting stronger, but personally, it was unwelcome to the players who were competing in the main game. The competition, which was the main fight, suddenly became a backup competition. Director Kim Won-hyung said,’The moment the announcement was announced, three people were visibly frustrated. Someone didn’t make eye contact, and some said it was okay and joked that they would go to other positions.

However, it is also a professional’s job to quickly accept the reality and calmly find out what to do. “After a few days, the players accepted it and did what they had been working hard on. Shin-soo Choo is the main game right now, but I think the players will have other uses. In a way, it feels stronger because there are three more people. I think so,” he said.

Although it has unintentionally become a’rolled stone’, Shin-soo Cho doesn’t think that the chances of his juniors have disappeared. Shin-soo Choo said,’It is difficult for one player to keep playing in the spot while playing many games during one season. I don’t know what will happen to baseball, so I hope you’ll always be ready. He said that the place I do is not always my place.

At the same time, he emphasized that he would try and compete. Shin-soo Choo said,’Honestly, this kind of competition will improve. Likewise, it will be an opportunity for me to change through goodwill competition. I will try not to lose my place, and the players also conveyed the message that if there is a chance to catch it in the prepared situation.

[email protected] / Photo = Ulsan, reporter Kim Han-jun

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