Surrogate mother abandoned her child before childbirth

“The surrogate mother gave up her child before giving birth”… Chinese’balcak’ in the famous actor scandal (comprehensive)
The Chinese version of’Boys Over Flowers’, revealing former boyfriend Jung Shuang… CCTV “Beyond the Maginot Line”

(Hong Kong, Beijing = Yonhap News) Correspondent Yoon Go-eun, Kim Yun-gu = China was turned upside down by the scandal of the surrogate mother of the top actress.
According to the Hong Kong South China Morning Post (SCMP) on the 20th, actress Jeong Shuang (30), who became a stardom with the 2009 Chinese version of the’Boys Over Flowers’ series,’Ilgi Raegan Yoo Seong-woo’ (一起來看流星雨), is a boyfriend producer. She tried to give birth to two children in the United States through a surrogate mother with Jang Heng, but it was revealed that before the children were born, she separated from Jang Hung and abandoned the children.
Zhang Heng said in an article posted on Weibo on the 18th that he and his family are not even misled in the United States due to the problem of caring for two young children.
A friend of Zhang Heng also provided documents to the Chinese media about a baby boy born on December 19, 2019 and a baby girl born on January 4, 2020, claiming that they were the children of Zheng Shuang-Jang Heng born in the United States.
He also unveiled a recording of the conversation between Jeong Shuang, Zhang Heng, and their parents about what to do with the children who were still in the surrogate mother’s stomach.
In the dialogue, Jeong Shuang’s father insisted that the children be thrown into the hospital, but Zhang Heng’s father objected that it was illegal.
In addition, Jeong Shuang was annoyed at the situation where his surrogate mother could not have an abortion after 7 months of pregnancy, and Jung Shuang’s family suggested the adoption of the children.
When this fact was revealed, Chung Shuang became the hottest topic in China online on the 18th and 19th.
In the afternoon of the previous day, Jung Shuang responded with “very sad but private.”
In the meantime, he said that Zhang Heng is trying to extort him, and his lawyers are negotiating with his family.

With 12 million Weibo followers, Jung Shuang is enjoying great popularity, including being selected as the’Most Popular Top 4 Actresses Born in the 1990s’ in 2016.
In Korea, she was also known as the heroine of the drama’Miami, So-Hun Kyung-seong’. In 2016, Korean actor Lee Jong-seok and Korea-China joint drama’Jade Lover’ appeared in the drama, but this work was delayed due to the so-called Han-ryeong (限韓令·Hallyu Han-Ryeong) after the deployment of the high-altitude missile defense system (THAAD) on the Korean Peninsula.
SCMP described him as “an actor who has a huge loyal fandom, although controversy over acting power and character are repeatedly erupting and doubts about the emotional state are raised.”
The China Global Times reported that Italian luxury brand Prada announced the end of the model contract with Zheng Shuang due to this scandal.
Prada put Chung Shuang as a new model last week ahead of the Lunar New Year holidays next month, but after the surrogate mother scandal hit Chinese society, it cut it in a week.
The Global Times reported that some netizens expressed their welcome to Prada’s actions.
In addition, British jewelry brand Laura Rose and fashion magazine Harper Bazaar immediately deleted posts related to Jeong Sop online.
The SCMP reported that the debate on the regulation of surrogate mothers in Chinese society was brought back to the surface due to Zheng Shuang’s surrogate motherhood scandal.

Surrogate mothers are criticized for violating women’s human rights and treating women’s bodies as commodities.
An attorney told SCMP, “The surrogate mother market is growing due to the need for a hole in the law and the market,” and “Brokers are seeking overseas surrogate mothers at the request of clients and solving visa problems.”
In the United States, some states allow surrogate mothers.
The government-run China Central Broadcasting System (CCTV) reported that he was angry with the recording of “I can’t take off (baby) and die” related to the suspicion of abandoning a child obtained through a surrogate mother following the case of’return’ of a baby born by a surrogate. .
In the commentary, this broadcast pointed out cases in which parents had abortions if the surrogate mother had a pregnant fetus, not a son, or had a disability, pointing out that “crossing the Maginot line is legally and morally unacceptable.”
Chang Anzen, a social media account of the Party Central Political Commission, made it clear that childbirth of surrogate mothers is clearly prohibited in China.
He pointed out that “using a woman’s womb as a childbirth tool, buying and selling a newborn life like a commodity, and even throwing it away at will not only exploit women, but also defile human relationships.”
He also emphasized that he is “never innocent” about Jeong Shuang.
Chang Anzen criticized that the Chinese citizens going to the United States to escape the legal system did not obey the law, and that they should not abandon the child because they try to raise children together when the relationship is good as a parent.
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