Supercar in 7 billion apartments… Tax audit of’Parents, Duck Rich’

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If you buy a building worth over 10 billion won or see a couple of 30s with multiple supercars, you may wonder where the hell got that money.

Some of these people live a luxurious life thanks to their parents, which is simply an expedient gift without any such income.

The IRS has launched an intensive tax investigation.

Reporter Lee Moon-hyun on the report.

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Super high-priced apartments in Hannam-dong, Seoul, costing over 7 billion won in one house.

Mr. A, the head of a young company in his 30s, owns this apartment.

In addition to this apartment, I also bought a little building and several golf memberships.

We also have two supercars in the company’s name, worth 900 million won.

How did you get so rich at a young age?

Mr. A inherited 7 billion won worth of shares in the company from his parents.

When the company’s sales jumped, he created a ghost company to steal the company’s funds in the name of advertising expenses.

The Internal Revenue Service entered the investigation, seeing that Mr. A evaded billions of won in this way.

61 people were subject to tax audit by the National Tax Service

In particular, 16 people in their 20s and 30s who became rich with the help of their parents without a distinct income are subject to intensive survey.

Their average fortune is 18.6 billion won.

Among them, the Little Building is KRW 13.7 billion, the Residence is KRW 4.2 billion, and the Membership is KRW 1.4 billion.

Instead of buying an apartment that is difficult to buy due to loan restrictions or holding tax, you are buying these assets.

A new, expedient gift method has also emerged, in which parents pay for the remodeling cost of the purchased building and increase the value of the building.

[노정석/국세청 조사국장]

“Young and Rich, who calls their property alone through fouls and privileges such as expedient gifting, and the unfair tax evasion phenomenon of acquiring expensive assets with hidden income is increasing.”

The National Tax Service uses its own computer system and data from the Financial Information Analysis Institute to find targets for tax audits.

This is Lee Moon-hyun, MBC News.

(Video editing: Jiyoung Lee)

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