‘Sumi Lodge’ rain, longing for 母… “No happiness can fill the empty space” (Total)

KBS 2TV’Sumi Lodge’ capture © News1

Singer Rain confessed his longing for his mother.

On the afternoon of the 11th, Rain appeared on SKY and KBS 2TV’s entertainment program’Sumi Lodge’, and talked about his mother who died after receiving a question from Kim Soo-mi, “Are you worried about Rain, a man you have?”

Rain confessed, “Actually, I don’t have any worries. But what is the empty seat where my mother isn’t there? (I live a happy life), but there is something empty.”

Kim Soo-mi sympathized with the sadness of losing her mother. To Rain, he said, “didn’t you say my mother died at the age of 19. I did that when I was 18. I went to school alone in Seoul. So even now, when I think of my mother, I sometimes cry at night.” In addition, Rain sympathized when he added, “I don’t get anything different than the love my mother gave me.” He said, “My heart goes down. In fact, I am not so happy to do anything.”

Kim Soo-mi said that the fact that she couldn’t give her mother a warm meal was still han. Rain said, “My mom had diabetes complications, so I didn’t eat it well at the end. My mom was a birthday, so I made seaweed soup with retort food. But I enjoyed it. And I went a few days later. It’s painful to think about it, but I think you ate it deliberately. “Because my son will do it,” he said.

Rain conveyed his thoughts, “It seems like a real life is a subtle intersection of endless suffering and happiness.” I also sympathized with Kim Soo-mi’s words, “The sadness of leaving my mother early seems to be the driving force behind the rain today.”

Rain confessed that the hardships she felt in the entertainment world were not actually hardships. “I felt all the despair and hardships of this world when my mother died. I didn’t have money, so I couldn’t go to my mother’s funeral, and I couldn’t even eat my younger brother. It wasn’t,” he confessed.

He added, “Even if I accidentally get hit by a strong punch, I still think about it. Life may not work the way I hoped, but in fact, I always say,’Someday, if I endure, I will win.'” Kim Soo-mi said, “I really like this personality,” he said, saying that he is not at all.

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