‘Sumi Lodge’ Heo Gyeong-hwan mentions the damage of 2.7 billion fraud and embezzlement… “Pay all your current debts”

(Photo =’Sumi Lodge’ broadcast screen)

[이데일리 스타in 김보영 기자] Heo Gyeong-hwan, who is active as a comedian and chicken breast businessman, directly mentioned the experience of being victim of fraud and embezzlement by a partner in the past at’Sumi Lodge’.

In the SKY&KBS2 entertainment show’Sumi Lodge’, which aired on the night of the 25th, actors Yoo-ri Yoo and Gyeong-Hwan Heo came as guests of the lodge and had a heartfelt talk.

On this day, Kyung-Hwan Heo especially drew attention by reminiscing about the memory of being embezzled with fraud by a trusted colleague, mentioning the feelings of the time and the current situation.

He first confessed that he had suffered a fraud of 2.7 billion won from a close colleague who had joined hands in the chicken breast business. “I was so surprised to see the article. I didn’t know what happened to me would be such a hot topic.” Heo Gyeong-hwan continued, “Until now, I have lived almost hiding (such a thing). I thought it wasn’t that a comedian came out and talked about such a difficult thing.”

The fraudulent partner was recently sentenced to imprisonment. In response, Gyeong-hwan Heo said, “It was a fraudulent embezzlement case five years ago. The decision was made only now because the amount was large. Not long ago, the sentence came out.”

He said, “I finished recording the’Gag Concert’ before, but another colleague called me and asked me to come to the office as soon as possible. When I went to the office, there were elderly people in suits. Those people came to get the debt. He also recalled the dizzying memories of that time, saying, “I came to receive the overdue factory payments.”

In response, Heo Gyeong-hwan also revealed that he had promised to repay the money somehow. “At first, I thought it was a case that broke out because I wasn’t good enough. So I checked my bankbook with another colleague, the co-president, and there were 100 bankbooks. When the two matched the contents for several years, it was not an operational problem. A colleague took the money out.”

Heo Gyeong-hwan said, “If you eat your heart and cheat, you cannot be beaten. I was really close with my brother who was cheated, but I had such a thought about what I had done so far and what time I spent with him,” he added and was bitter.

Fortunately, I have paid off all my debts and the company is running well. Heo Gyeong-hwan said, “I paid all my debts. The company is also doing well,” he said. “Isn’t it a company that the three started together? The other brother (injured) stayed by my side even though it was just a situation where he had to shake his hand and go out. But another interesting thing is that the person who introduced him to him is the scammer brother.” He revealed a special relationship story that caused laughter.
