Suga’s’Tokyo Olympics Will Be Held’ Despite Spreading Skepticism

Re-emphasizing the will to host the Olympics in the first municipal speech after taking office

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga attends the plenary session of the House of Representatives, which opened on the 18th, and drinks water while giving a policy speech./Reuters Yonhap News

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga expressed his willingness to hold this year’s Tokyo Olympics, where the possibility of cancellation or delay due to the spread of a novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) is discussed.

Prime Minister Suga said, “I want to use the summer Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games as evidence of humanity’s overcoming the new corona and as an opportunity to inform the world of Japan’s revival from the Great East Japan Earthquake.” . At the same time, he explained, “We will prepare to start by the end of February as much as possible.”

In his first speech at the National Assembly after taking office, Prime Minister Suga said, “We are in a very severe situation at the moment” regarding the relationship between Korea and Japan. “I will strongly demand the appropriate response from the Korean side based on Japan’s consistent position even to return to a sound relationship.” Said. Regarding the US-Japan alliance, he said, “It is the foundation of diplomacy and security, and the foundation of freedom, peace, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region and the international community.” I will do it.”

As for the diplomatic task of neighboring countries, the first issue was the abduction of Japanese citizens by North Korea. He said, “There is no change in the resolution to face directly with the Chairman of the State Council Kim Jong-un, and we aim to normalize diplomatic relations by clearing up the unfortunate past.”

/ Reporter Kihyuk Kim [email protected]

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