Suga’s’oldest son suspected of illegal entertainment’ avoids responding to “privacy” in the National Assembly

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga held a press conference at the Prime Minister’s Residence in Tokyo on the 2nd (local time) to announce the one-month extension of the Corona 19 emergency to 10 metropolitan local governments across the country, including Tokyo. © AFP=News1 © News1 Reporter Dongmyeong Woo

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, who was suspicious of the eldest son’s illegal entertainment, declined to answer related questions at the National Assembly.

According to the Tokyo Newspaper, Prime Minister Suga, who attended the House of Representatives Budget Committee on the 4th, received a question from Constitutional Democratic Party lawmakers Kuroi and Takahiro. “It is related to the honor or privacy of himself or his family.” “He said.

Prime Minister Suga responded to the suspicion that he was in charge of the secretary of the past and exerted influence on the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, saying, “It is true that I have been supported because of various ties.” “It’s a completely different personage.”

On this day, the Japanese weekly magazine Shukanbun-shun reported that Suga Seigo, the eldest son of Prime Minister Suga, who works for the satellite broadcasting company Tohoku Shinsha, per person was given to four executives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, who held the license of the company he attended from October to December last year. They reported that they had a meal over 40,000 yen (approximately 420,000 won) and gave gifts and taxi tickets.

Shukanbun-shun reported that the reason why the executives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications responded to the hospitality despite the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) was because Prime Minister Suga, who served as the secretary of the past, has a strong influence on personnel affairs.

Seigo himself was also appointed secretary to the Secretary of the General Affairs Prize in 2006, when Prime Minister Suga became the first Minister of General Secretary in the first Abe Cabinet.

Prime Minister Suga said on the day that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has launched an investigation into the illegality of entertainment, and said, “It is necessary to respond firmly according to the rules so that there is absolutely no suspicion from the public.”

In the meantime, Seigo revealed the fact that he had called him and said, “When an investigation came in, he said to cooperate with the facts.”

Prime Minister Suga’s response on this day seems to have tried to block the suspicion that he exerted influence on the illegal entertainment of his eldest son while maintaining the principled position that “confirmation of factual relations comes first.”

Prime Minister Suga, who is struggling with state administration, such as a failure in responding to the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19), has dropped to the 30% range.

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