‘Sucek Multi-Goal’ West Ham placed 4th with 4 consecutive wins… Man City retakes the lead

England’s professional football Premier League West Ham jumped to fourth place with a pleasing four straight wins and pressed for the lead.

West Ham scored a 3-2 back-to-back victory with Defensive midfielder Tomas Suchek, who played a multi-goal in the 2020-2021 Premier League round 20 away with Crystal Palace held at Selhurst Park in London today (27th).

West Ham, who recently won 4 consecutive games in the regular league and undefeated 6 games in a row (4 wins, 2 draws), scored 35 points, pushed Liverpool (34 points) and Tottenham (33 points) to 5th and 6th place, respectively, and jumped to 4th place at once. .

The difference between 3rd place Leicester City (38 points) and points narrowed to 3 points.

The opening goal was scored by the home team Crystal Palace.

Wilfried Zaha, who took over the pass from Jungwon near the penalty area, opened the scorer with a right-footed shot.

West Ham slumped after an early run, and after nine minutes in the first half, Suchek, who rushed to the left of the goal area with a cross given by Michael Antonio from the left side of the penalty area, scored an equalizer with a heading to quickly balance the match.

In the 25th minute of the first half, in the middle of the first half, Aaron Cresswell trapped the ball from the right side of the goal area to the chest and then succeeded in a 2-1 turnaround with a right foot shot.

One minute later, after Antonio took the pass from the opposing defender, the Crystal Palace struck a right-footed shot near the penalty area, hitting the left hoop, and a chance to tie the score.

After finishing the first half 2-1, West Ham took a right corner kick in the 20th minute of the second half, and Craig Dawson headed for the winning goal.

Westhem scored a chase goal for Crystal Palace’s Mickey Bachuai in extra time in the second half, but finished the victory with a 3-2 to complete a pleasant fourth straight win.

Manchester City managed to recapture the lead with a 5-0 win against West Bromwich.

Man City has been undefeated (9 wins and 2 draws) in the last 11 games in a row with 7 consecutive wins in the regular league, scoring 41 points, pushing Manchester United (40 points) to second place and rising to the top.

In particular, Man City allowed only one run while running 7 consecutive wins, and showed off’defensive iron wall’.

Man City has been playing 19 games this season, scoring only 13 goals, and is continuing the minimum run.

Man City finished a 5-0 win with Ilkai Gundoan scoring multi-goals, with Joao Kanselu, Riyadh Mahrez and Raheem Sterling scoring guns.

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)
