Successful completion of’renewable energy private organization cooperation project

Achievements such as opening an energy consultation center and fostering renewable energy experts

[에너지신문] It was found that the Korea Energy Agency created tangible results and contributed greatly to revitalizing the local economy through the’Private Group Cooperation Project for Regional Expansion of Renewable Energy’.

According to the Corporation on the 31st, 7 private organizations selected through public offerings in March were suitable for the region, such as opening an energy counseling center, operating an energy cafe, solar power supply projects for the energy underprivileged, and supporting the establishment of social cooperatives despite the spread of Corona 19. It has contributed to expanding the acceptance of renewable energy by discovering a renewable energy business model.

▲ The scene of the opening ceremony of the'Energy Citizen Center' of Cheongju YWCA, one of the organizations implementing the'Private Group Cooperation Project for Regional Expansion of Renewable Energy'.
▲ The scene of the opening ceremony of the’Energy Citizen Center’ of Cheongju YWCA, one of the organizations implementing the’Private Group Cooperation Project for Regional Expansion of Renewable Energy’.

First, Cheongju YWCA opened the’Energy Consultation Center (AtoZ)’, a one-stop platform for energy conversion, and trained energy consultants through the training course for energy conversion consultants, and the consultants provided consultations on solar power installation for local residents. In addition, it laid the foundation for spreading sound awareness of energy to future generations in the region through the development and education of energy teaching plans for children.

Daegu Green Consumer Agency opened a solar cafe to build a renewable energy platform, provided a space for experiencing renewable energy, and operated a renewable energy counseling center to use it as a resident-participating space to solve misunderstandings and curiosities about renewable energy. In addition, it created the first cooperative type Citizen Sunlight Power Plant in Daegu that utilized the citizen network, creating results in many ways.

In addition, in order to provide correct information necessary for the spread of renewable energy, citizens lead and local communities are led by developing a safety management manual for solar power generation projects, conducting renewable energy education at residents’ contact points using renewable energy citizen experts, and operating renewable energy learning groups. It laid the foundation for the supply of renewable energy, which is the main body.

An official from the Korea Energy Agency said, “We plan to continue to promote projects in connection with local organizations and basic local governments, and make efforts so that the supply of renewable energy can lead to the development of local communities.”

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