Succeeded in landing on Mars with Breaking Bomi Perseverance Exploration of traces of life

Safe passage in the atmosphere called ‘7 minutes of horror’
Sample collection of soil and rocks to bring to the earth

NASA has unveiled a model of the personality.  Photo = Reuters Yonhap News

NASA has unveiled a model of the personality. Photo = Reuters Yonhap News

America’s Mars exploration rover’Perseverance’ succeeded in landing on Mars after ‘7 minutes of horror’.

According to the Associated Press on the 18th (local time), NASA’s fifth Mars exploration rover Perservation has successfully settled in’Jezero Crater’, which is believed to be the ancient delta of Mars.

After launching on July 30 last year, Perseverance flew 471 million km to reach Mars. On this day, after entering Mars’ atmosphere called ‘7 minutes of horror’ due to the most demanding and dangerous flight to Mars, it safely passed the descent and landing (EDL) process.

Perseverance is tasked with finding traces of ancient life that may remain on Mars and collecting soil and rock samples to bring to Earth.

As an example of where Perservance landed, the crater is estimated to be the delta where the river flowed from 3 to 4 billion years ago, and it is expected that traces of organic molecules and other microorganisms can be found.

The perspective is the size of a car with a length of 3 m and has six wheels, and is equipped with high-performance equipment such as a camera, microphone, laser, and drill. It is known to be the largest and most sophisticated NASA Mars rover to date.

In addition, Perseverance is equipped with equipment that can find organic matter and analyze rock and soil components.

If Perservance collects soil and rock samples, puts them in dozens of titanium tubes, and stores them in a promised place on Mars, another rover, which will be launched later, will collect them. Samples delivered to other spacecraft will be sent to Earth in 2031.

Reporter Chae Sun-hee [email protected]

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