“Strike the bottle and strangle it”… Beijing embassy assault controversy


An assault case took place at our embassy in China. It is said that high-ranking officials dispatched abroad struck the head of an administrative employee who had been drinking with alcohol bottles.

This is Park Sung-hoon, correspondent in Beijing.


This is a shopping district in Wangjing, a district of Korean residents in Beijing.

On the night of the 4th, an assault incident occurred between embassy employees at a bar in the building.

It was the seat of four people, including the legislator, the secretary of the NIS, and the embassy’s administrative staff dispatched from the National Assembly.

As Yangju came and went and the drinking party was getting longer, the legislator grabbed the heads of the executive staff and shook them several times.

The executive said that when he protested, the legislator suddenly got up and struck the head with a bottle of alcohol.

[주중대사관 행정직원 : 입법관이 머리 잡아당기며 시비 걸어서 왜 처음 보는 사이한테 그러냐고 했는데 갑자기 일어나더니 병으로 머리를 내려치더라고요. 이러다 죽을 수도 있겠다…]

It didn’t end here.

When the staff resisted, the secretary of the NIS defeated it this time.

He said that he choked and hit his face.

The employee was transferred to the hospital and was diagnosed with a’cranial depression’.

What angered him was the criticism of a senior official rather than the assault.

[주중대사관 행정직원 : 고소·고발 조치를 하겠다 했더니 ‘네가 고소·고발 해봐야 내가 피해 볼 것 같냐’, 조롱하는 거죠. 웃으면서 그렇게 얘기한 거죠. 얼굴 보면서.]

I called the legislator who was alleged to be the perpetrator several times, but I couldn’t reach it.

The Korean Federation of Trade Unions demanded severe punishment, saying that it was nothing other than an attempted murder against administrative workers.

The embassy said it was an unfortunate incident caused by excessive drinking and said it would prevent the same from happening again.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also received reports of damage and said it is under investigation.

(Video graphic: Youngjoo Han)
