Stray Kids Hyunjin Suspicion of school abuse? “Checking through alumni and acquaintances”

Stray Kids Hyunjin (Photo = JYP Entertainment)

[이데일리 스타in 윤기백 기자] While group Stray Kids Hyunjin is surrounded by suspicion of school violence (abusive), the agency JYP Entertainment is confirming the fact.

On the 23rd, JYP said, “We are making our best efforts to verify the facts about the issues related to Hyunjin that are spreading to various online communities.” “At the time the problem was raised, the school and surrounding acquaintances We are listening to opinions, and we are considering listening to the opinions of the publishers directly if the publishers allow it.”

“However, it has been confirmed that there are many different parts of the content that are currently indiscriminately spreading, and we have also identified distributors who intentionally create and post malicious rumors.” He said, “We want to clarify the exact facts that are not accurate, and we will take legal action against the spread of false information.”

Earlier on the 22nd, the online community revealed that a netizen who claimed to be Hyunjin’s alumni was abused.

◇JYP Entertainment Admission Statement

This is our position on the issues related to Hyunjin that are currently spreading to various online communities.

First of all, we are making every effort to confirm facts on this issue. At the time the issue was raised, we are listening to the opinions of the school where the member (Hyunjin) was enrolled and from friends around us, and we are considering listening to the opinions of the publisher directly if the publisher allows it.

However, it has been confirmed that there are many parts that are different from the facts among the contents that are currently indiscriminately spreading, and we have also confirmed distributors who intentionally create and post malicious rumors. Subsequently, we will conduct detailed investigations through various routes to clarify the exact facts that are not distorted, and we will take legal action against the spread of false information. We will do our best to protect artists through clarification of facts, and we will respond strongly to the dissemination of rumors that are different from the facts. Thank you.
