‘Stray Kids’ Hyunjin in’Happy Suspicion’ JYP ​​”Trying to confirm the facts” [전문]

[스포츠서울 조현정기자] Group Stray Kids Hyunjin (Hyunjin Hwang) amidst suspicion of abusing, the management company made an official statement saying, “We are trying to confirm the facts.”

On the afternoon of the 22nd, Mr. A, who claimed to be Hyunjin’s alumni, revealed that he had suffered school violence.

Hyunjin’s management company, JYP Entertainment, announced on the website at the dawn of the 23rd, “We are making our best efforts to confirm the facts on this issue. When the problem was raised, the opinions of the school where the member (Hyunjin) attended and nearby friends. “We are listening to, and if the publisher allows it, we are also considering listening to the opinion of the publisher directly.”

“However, it has been confirmed that there are many different parts of the contents that are currently indiscriminately spreading, and we have also confirmed those who intentionally create and post malicious rumors. We will take legal action against the spread of false information.” A legal response was foretold to the spreaders of malicious rumors.

In the revelation article, Mr. A heard abusive language and school violence from Hwang Hyun-jin that he didn’t know why, and heard abusive words, sexual harassment, and pad rips, such as “I have no mother,” and ridiculed, noticed, and disputed without reason, such as wanting to beat in class He claimed that his back was going more severely.

He said, “Compared to the other victims, I thought I forgot to think that the degree was not severe, but the face of the perpetrator who hurt me at the time was visible around me, so the words and actions they had done to ridicule me back then would be trembling. It started to emerge as clearly as possible. I don’t think violence should be justified for any reason. I hope that the violence committed on the grounds of being young is not justified.

The following is the full text of JYP admissions

This is our position on the issues related to Hyunjin that are currently spreading to various online communities.

First of all, we are making every effort to confirm facts on this issue. At the time the issue was raised, we are listening to the opinions of the school where the member (Hyunjin) was enrolled and from friends around us, and we are considering listening to the opinions of the publisher directly if the publisher allows it.

However, it has been confirmed that there are many parts that are different from the facts among the contents that are currently indiscriminately spreading, and we have also confirmed distributors who intentionally create and post malicious rumors. Subsequently, we will conduct detailed investigations through various routes to clarify the exact facts that are not distorted, and we will take legal action against the spread of false information.

We will do our best to protect artists through clarification of facts, and we will respond strongly to the dissemination of rumors that are different from the facts.

Thank you.

[email protected]

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