Strange Chinese-style sanctions… 28 people were sanctioned, 18 people named’secret’

The news of the inauguration ceremony is aired on a large billboard in a shopping center in Beijing on the 21st, when the inauguration of US President Joe Biden was held. [AP=연합뉴스]

The news of the inauguration ceremony is aired on a large billboard in a shopping center in Beijing on the 21st, when the inauguration of US President Joe Biden was held. [AP=연합뉴스]

“It was announced that it would sanction 28 Americans, but only 10 were released. Please tell me the rest of the list.” (foreign reporter)

“You know for yourself who has done something bad.” (Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman)

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hwa Chun-ying [중국 외교부 웹사이트]

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hwa Chun-ying [중국 외교부 웹사이트]

This is a question and answer that came and went at a regular press conference by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China on the 21st. Earlier this morning, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hwa Chun-ying announced that it would impose sanctions on 28 senior officials in the former Trump administration shortly after the inauguration ceremony of President Biden. It contained the content that the subject and immediate family members cannot enter China, Hong Kong, and Macau in the future, and that the related companies cannot do business in China.

Only 10 people including Pompeo, Navarro, and Bolton are released
Avoid answering “you should know yourself” to reporters’ questions
There is also the possibility that the incumbent was hidden or undecided
Trump couldn’t touch him while he said “sanctions behind the scenes”
Chinese netizens also “can’t catch the emperor.”

Sanctions disclosed by China include Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, White House Trade and Manufacturing Policy Director Peter Navarro, White House National Security Adviser, Robert O’Brien, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and Pacific Affairs David Stillwell, Assistant Adviser Matthew Pottinger of the NSC, Secretary of Health and Welfare Alex Hazard, This included Deputy Secretary of State Keith Clark, UN Ambassador Callie Kraft, NSC Adviser John Bolton, and Senior White House Strategist Stephen Bannan.

However, in the announcement, only 10 out of 28 revealed their names. To the foreign reporter’s question, he only responded, saying, “The thief is going to make a itch.”

Sanctions from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, saying that 28 senior US officials are sanctioned on the 21st.  Only 10 people announced the list of sanctions. [중국 외교부 웹사이트]

Sanctions from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, saying that 28 senior US officials are sanctioned on the 21st. Only 10 people announced the list of sanctions. [중국 외교부 웹사이트]

On the 26th, Hong Kong Myungbo gave various interpretations of the strange’Chinese-style sanctions’ that do not disclose the subject of sanctions.

First of all, it is possible that incumbent management was included. All 10 China revealed are senior officials in the Trump administration. It is an interpretation that the undisclosed person has hidden his name in order to avoid the shock to the US-China relationship while still in office.

Second, it is possible that only the number has been decided and the specific target has not been decided yet. It is presumed that the target of sanctions has not been specified yet, and will be added according to the future Chinese policy that Biden government officials will reveal.

Third, there is also a saying that it is an incident due to unprepared sanctions. China, which has been criticizing the U.S. for abuse of sanctions, began to wield sanctions cards after last year. He has no experience in both sanctions laws and enforcement. The understanding of the complex domestic politics of the United States is also poor. In the end, it is an interpretation that only 10 out of 28 were forced to disclose.

Then why are 28 people? Many people are looking for hints that the number of vice chairpersons in China’s NPC is 14, which the US sanctioned for enforcement of the Hong Kong security law. It is an interpretation that the so-called’double-fold retaliation theory’, which will give the United States double repayment, would have been applied.

What about the sanctions effect? It is predicted that the first victims could be the work of law firm Arend Fox, a law firm close to Pompeo, in China, Coach Industry, which has a 50% market share in the Chinese asphalt market, and General Motors (GM), where Vice-Chairman Clark was vice chairman.

However, the reaction in China is also not very favorable. This is because it is a “financial sanction” against those who have retired from office, and the former President of Trump has been left out. “It only hits the detective duck, but the emperor can’t (只anti貪官 不anti皇帝. This is a line review of Chinese netizens picked by Myungbo.

Beijing = correspondent Shin Kyungjin [email protected]
