“Stop kill” protests against the military… Sanctions in the United States and Myanmar


In Myanmar, as victims from the police shot one after another, protesters are vigorously confronting them, saying, “Stop killing people.” The student’s family, who was shot, appealed, “Please fight the military dictatorship to the end.” President Biden said he would immediately sanction military leaders for the release of advisor Aung San Suu Kyi.

This is Kim Jae-hyun.


Photos and pictures of a woman who fell on her legs were caught.

This is the image of a 19-year-old girl, Miyate Te Kaing, right after being shot down by live ammunition during a protest against the coup on the 9th.

There was also a picture of the bloody helmet I was wearing at the time.

Protesters hold skull x-rays and tell the military to’stop killing people’.

[스완 흐텟 아웅/대학생 시위 참가자 : 경찰이 무고한 소녀를 보호하기는커녕 총을 겨눴다는 건 슬픈 일입니다. 우리 세대의 미래에 심각한 위협이기도 합니다.]

Miyate Te Kaing, on her 20th birthday today, is being treated in an intensive care unit, but her doctor says she is unlikely to survive.

[미야 타 토 느웨/미야 테 테 카잉의 언니 : 가슴이 찢어집니다. 동생을 위해서 군부독재가 사라질 때까지 싸울 것입니다.]

Some police refused orders to return to work and wore uniforms to join the protesters.

Minorities who have been oppressed by the military also continue to protest.

US President Biden has signed an executive order sanctioning Myanmar military leaders.

[조 바이든/미국 대통령 (현지시간 10일) : 군부 지도자들이 미국 내 미얀마 정부의 자산 10억 달러에 접근하지 못하게 막는 조치를 취할 것입니다.]

In the meantime, there are concerns that the military recently confiscated computers and related items from the office of advisor Aung San Suu Kyi’s charity foundation, and that it intends to further prosecute Suji advisor.

(Screen source: Now, Myanmar)
