Stones ahead of Liverpool “Our goal is to win”

Stones ahead of Liverpool “Our goal is to win”

[엑스포츠뉴스 김희웅 인턴기자] John Stones (Manchester City) expressed his ambition.

Man City will face’defending champion’ Liverpool in the 23rd round of the English Premier League (EPL) of the 2020/21 season, which will be held in Anfield on the 8th at 1:30 a.m. Korean time.

It is a game that can be a watershed for winning competition. Currently, Man City ranks first with 47 points, and Liverpool ranks fourth with 40 points. If Liverpool wins, it can close the gap, and if Man City gets three points, it’s definitely a good place to win.

Ahead of the big game, the Stones, who have been reborn as the core of Man City this season, are determined. The Stones said on the official website of Man City on the 6th, “Winning should be our goal. (Winning) is the high standard we have set since before. We have won all competitions except for the European Football Federation (UEFA) Champions League. I want to bring (trophies) back to Manchester.”

“The Liverpool match is definitely a big game. Both players and fans know this. Everyone knows what Liverpool is. They are still champions. We know what to do and we will be well prepared for the game.”

In the summer of 2016, Stones, wearing a Manchester City uniform, was pushed out of the game due to frequent injuries. Of course, the skill was also disappointing. I made mistakes. But this season, Ruben Dias has met his perfect partner and is flying.

The Stones competed in 12 of the 21 EPL games played by Man City, and Man City won 11 wins and 1 draw in 12 of the Stones’ games. There are only two conceded points. That’s why the Stones are showing outstanding performance.

None of the attacking squads were afraid, but they faced Liverpool, which had the strongest offensive squads such as Sadio Manet, Roberto Firminu, and Mohamed Salah.

In response, Stones said, “Attackers will cause problems for us through speed, movement and strength. But our training achievements and qualities will show up in play.” “We are there to stop them. That’s what we need to do. It’s an opportunity to test against the top players and I’m looking forward to this match.”

Finally, “The importance of the game will come as pressure to us, but it is not. This pressure pushes us forward. I’m really excited,” he said before the game.

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