STL Kim Gwang-hyun’s first demonstration game will be different after the game is sluggish

STL Kim Gwang-hyun, first demonstration game sluggish...

[엑스포츠뉴스 김정현 인턴기자] Kim Gung-hwan made a sluggish start in his first demonstration game.

Kwang-Hyun Kim of the Cardinals of St.Louis made a start in the match against the New York Mets in the 2021 season US Major League demonstration held at Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium on the 4th (Korean time).

Kim Gwang-hyun, who started the first game of the demonstration game, started off with a triple to Kevin Pillar, the first batter in the first inning. 2nd batter Jonathan Villa struck out, but allowed 3rd batter JD Davis a hit and allowed the first run.

Shaky Kim Gwang-Hyun allowed a walk to the next batter Jose Martinez, followed by a series of hits to Luis Guillaume and Thomas Nido, allowing two more runs.

Kim Gwang-Hyun caught only 1 out in the first inning, allowed 4 runs, and was immediately grated. But he had a chance again.

In the beginning of the second inning, Kim Gwang-hyun took the opportunity to change the pitcher again. It was impossible in a regular league, but it was possible because it was a demonstration game.

In the beginning of the second inning, Kim Gwang-hyun struck out Francisco Alvarez and met Kevin Pilar again, but allowed a walk after a full count match. Kim Gwang-hyun was replaced again and came down the ground.

After the game was over, evaluated that it was focused on raising the fastball redemption. After the game, Kim Gwang-hyun said,’As you know from watching the game today, my redemption was not high enough. He said he will try to raise it to a better restraint before the start of the season for the rest of the month.

He continued, “Today my balls didn’t work well and my redemption was low. I’m not sure why, but I will find a way.

The media reported that Kim Gwang-hyun, who recorded 39 pitches on this day, played the game with less than 50% of the power. He hit a fast ball at an average of 89.9 miles per hour last season, but his best arrest on the day was 87.9 miles per hour.

On this day, catcher Andrew Keithner, who was in harmony with Kim Gwang-hyun, said,’I want to say that all Kim Gwang-hyun’s balls were good. Today the ball shook more than he wanted,’ he said.

Kim Gwang-hyun made a good impression from the Cardinals by performing well in last year’s rookie season. Kim Gwang-hyun, who recorded 3 wins last season with an ERA of 1.62 and 24 strikeouts, is expected to be guaranteed a 3rd to 4th start in the team this season.

Kim Gwang-hyun said, “Of course, I want to remain in the major leagues. I know this season is very important to me. He said that he will show a different performance from today in the next game.

[email protected] / Photo = AP/Yonhap News

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