“Steve U, punished for defamation of the country”

Petition: “I feel shame as a citizen when criticizing the Republic of Korea beyond the line that should not be crossed”

After being banned from entering the country for 19 years due to suspicion of evading military service, Singer Steve Seung-joon Yoo (45, Korean name Yoo Seung-joon, photo) recently criticized government agencies and officials through a YouTube channel. A national petition was filed.

On the Cheong Wa Dae website’s public petition bulletin board, on the 8th, a post titled’Please punish Seung-jun Yoo’s national defamation’ was posted.

Petitioner said, “When he tried to enter the country and showed reflection, he even heard sympathy, but recently expressed strong anger and repulsion through the YouTube channel.”

“It is a personal channel, but I mentioned not only political and religious remarks, but also the US armored vehicle incident and the Sewol incident, etc. without being accurately recognized.” “Criticizes the Republic of Korea beyond the line that should not be crossed by mentioning North Korea, Nazis, coups, and former presidents. When I did, I felt shame as a people.”

Petitioner said, “I am concerned that it will give the people confusion and loss of confidence in the country.”

At the same time, he petitioned publicly, saying, “I ask for a strong national punishment,” he added, adding, “Please take measures to prevent uploading of content that confuses public sentiment.”

He also pointed out YouTube channel ad revenue.

Petitioner said, “Seung-jun Yoo channel advertisements are sent by Korean companies by paying advertisement promotion fees to foreign companies,” he said. “It should be considered that he is making foreign currency against Korea.”

Blue House National Petition Bulletin Board Capture.

Yoo started pouring out a fierce reaction to the YouTube channel last month when Democratic Party lawmaker Kim Byeong-ju proposed the so-called “5 Acts to Prevent Seung-Jun Yoo” to prevent evasion of military service through change of nationality.

He said to Congressman Kim, “Is there anything politicians have to do? While criticizing that he is not an evader, he urged the Ministry of Justice and Minister Chu Mi-ae to apologize for the government’s’human rights violations’ for 19 years.

Regarding the suspicion of evading military service, he said, “Isn’t it more angry and degraded by seeing the two faces and corruptions of politicians working in the country because of the ridiculous circumstances of Minister Chu Miae’s son or former Minister Cho Kook?

However, Yoo himself drew a line that he was neither progressive nor conservative. On the 9th, he posted a video titled’Summary of Yoo Seung-jun’s fact check’ on his YouTube channel, and said, “I don’t know that neither left nor right, progressive nor conservative.” I have no desire to do it.”

Yu said, “I am a Christian who believes in and follows God. If the path is good, right, and fair, I will stand on that side,” he said. “If what I said is close to the right, it doesn’t matter if I see it as the right. This video has been watched more than 68,000 times.

Meanwhile, the number of subscribers to Yoo’s YouTube channel is 83,5 million as of 4 pm on the 12th.

Seungjun Yoo’s YouTube channel video capture.

Reporter Hyun Hwa-young [email protected]

[ⓒ 세계일보 & Segye.com, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
