‘Statue Dream 2’Roh Sa-yeon and ♥ Lee Moo-song confess “I have the pretense of being happy” during a consultation

[ 매일경제 스타투데이 허은경 객원기자 ]

Singer Roh Sa-yeon of’Bronze Dream 2’revealed her heart.

In SBS’s’Bronze Dream 2-You Are My Destiny’ broadcast on the 1st (hereinafter referred to as’Bronze Dream 2′), the appearance of the couple of Roh Sa-yeon and Lee Moo-song who went to couple counseling spread.

On this day, Noh Sa-yeon shed tears while confessing that she was sorry for not knowing Lee Moo-song’s heart during the couple’s counseling. In response, Lee Moo-song said, “Hold on for a minute. Everything is good, but I am concerned that it is going in such a way that it will become intense.

He halted the consultation, saying, “I have to keep touching my emotions,” he said, saying, “It’s not to stop this person from talking,” he said, saying, “Before going too deep, let’s do it.”

In response, Roh Sa-yeon said, “That’s not it. I was in tears because I saw the speech bubble written by Lee Moo-song (I was in tears). My husband was so tender that I didn’t talk to him and put up with it. I told them to close and sing, but I remembered it and it hurt my heart,” he explained the reason for the tears.

In particular, Roh Sa-yeon replied to the question’What I can do best’ by saying’I’m funny’. In response, he said, “Maybe it’s my pride.

I have to be happy, and there was a pretense that I was such a happy woman after getting married.”

“Sometimes, honestly,’Is it really me? Who am I?’ “I think of it,” he said, “I often don’t know whether the celebrity Roh Sa-yeon is me or who I am.”

On the other hand,’Bronze Dream 2’is a program that examines the meaning of meeting the half of destiny and the value of living together by looking at the way couples in various fields live a full life from the perspective of a man and woman, and’Homecoming for the New Year’ Through’Special Feature’, they visit viewers at 10 pm earlier than before. Couples who want to see them again in the New Year’s Day appear and reveal their good news.

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
