‘Statue Dream 2’Lee Sol, ♥ Park Seong-gwang’s unexpected behavior “I don’t want you to do it”

[매일경제 스타투데이 이다겸 기자]

Lee Sol burst into tears at Park Seong-gwang’s unexpected behavior in’Bronze Dream 2′.

The secret hobby of his wife Lee Sol, who shocked Park Sung-gwang, is revealed in the SBS entertainment program’Statue Dream Season 2-You are My Destiny’ (hereinafter’Bronze Dream 2′), which airs on the 28th.

In a recent recording, Park Seong-gwang discovered his wife Lee Sol’s secret hobby and was caught in amazement. Lee Sol-yi, who gained attention with her excellent pole dance skills, had another anti-war hobby that even her husband Park Seong-gwang did not know.

Even Park Seong-gwang was shocked by Lee Sol’s screaming old castle, saying, “I can’t believe my wife fell into’this”. The MCs were also very surprised, saying, “How did you not know until now” and “It seems to have been thoroughly hidden.” What is the secret hobby of Lee Sol’s wife, who shocked Park Sung-kwang.

The two then held their own’Couple Closing Ceremony’ as a means of ending 2020 at the end of the year.

The two had time to look back on the year by sharing a story that they had not been able to tell. Meanwhile, Park Seong-gwang gave Lee Sol something completely unexpected and shocked everyone. His wife Lee Sol, who was confused by Park Sung-gwang’s sudden behavior, said, “I don’t want you to do this,” she said.

Meanwhile, Park Seong-gwang looked back on 2020 and confessed to Lee Sol about the events that had happened during this year. Park Seong-gwang showed a cry, saying, “There were a lot of things this year,” recalling the eventful past. It is said that his wife Lee Sol was in pain at the first time Park Seong-gwang was struggling. Broadcast at 11:15 pm on the 28th.

[email protected]

Photo lSBS

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
