Statement from K-Bank Chairman Lee Moon-hwan… Transition of job agency system

“Im cold starting tomorrow… If it arrives, a new president will be appointed during this month”

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Kim Yeon-jung = Lee Moon-hwan, president of K-Bank, who took office in March last year, expressed his gratitude for less than a year in office.

According to banknotes on the 7th, Chairman Lee announced his intention to resign on the day for personal reasons, and K-Bank immediately switched to the system of acting as a bank chief. Vice-president Jung Woon-gi is the acting agency.

The initial term of office for this president was two years until early 2022.

From the 8th, K-Bank is planning to operate the Committee for Recommendation of Candidate for Executive Officers (Im Cold) to select candidates for the next president and recommend them to the board of directors. If the board of directors nominates a candidate, the plan is to hold an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders within this month as possible to finalize the next venue.

A K-bank official said, “We immediately switched to the bank manager’s job agency system so that there is no business gap,” and said, “We will appoint a candidate for the bank president according to fair and transparent procedures, and hold a temporary shareholders’ meeting as early as this month to appoint a new bank president.”

This is KT[030200]After serving as the head of the corporate communications business division, the head of the strategic planning department, and the head of the corporate business division, he served as the president of BC Card, a subsidiary of KT, for two years from 2018.

After taking office as Chairman Lee, K-Bank completed a paid-in capital increase of 400 billion won and resumed the loan business that had been discontinued.

Moonhwan Lee, President of K Bank
Moonhwan Lee, President of K Bank

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