Startup Forum “Welcome to strengthen network neutrality by the Ministry of Science and ICT.. Expect follow-up measures”

[이데일리 김현아 기자]

The Korea Startup Forum (Chairs Seul-A Kim, Seong-Woo Ahn, Seung-Geon Lee) representing domestic startups (initial ventures) welcomed the amendment of the “Guidelines on Network Neutrality and Internet Traffic Management” announced by the Ministry of Science and ICT on the 27th. It requested measures to legislate the principle of net neutrality and strengthen transparency.

The forum said that this amendment (draft) made it clear that the network neutrality obligation of the service provider (ISP) is maintained even in the 5G era by naming the network neutrality exception service as’special service’ and clarifying the provision conditions. It was said that this could be evaluated as reinforcing the net neutrality principle by reflecting the European principle of maintaining strong net neutrality.

This revised bill clarifies the object, purpose, and means of special services so that ISPs cannot use them for the purpose of avoiding network neutrality when providing special services.

The forum said, “This makes it clear that new industries such as autonomous driving, drones, robots, and AR/VR, which ISPs have been referring to as 5G services, will not soon lead to network neutrality exception services.”

In addition, the forum stated that this revision of the net neutrality guideline is the first step in creating a fair and transparent network environment, and the follow-up measures by the Ministry of Science and ICT will determine the success or failure of this revision.

In other words, it means that it is necessary to closely examine whether the newly revised principle of strengthening net neutrality is implemented in the field. Forham emphasized, “In particular, by strengthening the transparency of ISPs, which are key telecommunications operators that operate networks that are the physical basis of the digital economy, information asymmetry should be resolved and an environment in which people can use quality services should be prepared.”

To this end, the Korea Startup Forum requested the Ministry of Science and ICT ▲ that first, the measures included in this announcement should be quickly implemented, and ▲ second, the principle of net neutrality stipulated at the guideline level should be upgraded to legal status. .

The forum said, “In the 5G era, CPs that are expanding various new businesses based on the network, not telecommunications operators, have no choice but to lead. “To create a transparent and fair Internet network environment so that numerous startups and CPs that will lead the 5G era can emerge. The Korea Startup Forum will also do its best.”
