Starting today, ‘3rd subsidy’ is paid… If you do not receive the’Notification’ text on the 11th[Q&A]

Sending and requesting text messages, proceeds on a sipping system from 11 to 12 days

Application only in the name of the business representative

Up to 3 million won for small business owners who are prohibited from gathering

A busy street in Myeongdong, Jung-gu, Seoul. /Plastic cycler

Starting on the 11th, the government will provide a supporting fund of 1 million to 3 million won to 2.76 million small businesses. The small business owner can apply for the support fund only in the name of the business representative.

Priority is given to small businesses that have previously received secondary disaster support (new desired fund) and specially damaged businesses that have been banned or restricted in accordance with the government’s quarantine guidelines. Small business owners who have been banned from collective or business restrictions due to strengthening measures of quarantine by the government and local governments since November 24 last year can receive 3 million won and 2 million won respectively. Small business owners whose sales were less than 400 million won last year and their annual sales decreased from 2019 can receive 1 million won.

The following is a summary of the application method and schedule of the support fund in one question and one answer format.

-How many are eligible for payment by industry?

△ There are 2.76 million small business owners. Among them, 116,000 people are prohibited from collective business, 762,000 people are restricted from business, and 1.811,000 people are in general. Among the businesses that are prohibited from gathering and restricted business, restaurants and cafes are the largest with 630,000 people, 80,000 people for beauty and beauty facilities, 75,000 people for academies and training centers, and 45,000 people for indoor sports facilities. Overall, there are about 260,000 more than the 2.5 million small business owners who received the last new funding.

-How is the payment amount different by industry?

△ In accordance with social distancing measures, it is divided into businesses prohibited from collective, business restricted, and general businesses. In the general industry, 1 million won is paid when sales were less than 400 million won last year and decreased from the previous year. Businesses that are prohibited from collective and restricted business are paid 3 million won and 2 million won, respectively, regardless of a decrease in sales. Businesses that are prohibited from gathering include five entertainment establishments such as hunting pot tea, singing practice, indoor sports facilities, academies and training centers, and hold’em pubs. . After the 25th, it is scheduled to be paid to small business owners who are added to the support target among facility companies subject to special quarantine during the year-end and New Year holidays, such as outdoor winter sports facilities, their subsidiaries, and lodging facilities.

-Can only the representative apply?

△ You must apply through the representative’s identification. In the case of a corporation, it is necessary to apply with a joint (official) certificate in the name of the corporation. When applying online, a mobile phone or joint (official) certificate is used to verify the representative’s identity.

-Are there any documents to prepare when applying?

△ Those who are eligible for expedited payment, paid from the 11th, only need to enter the application information on the dedicated online site without any additional documents. If you are eligible for confirmation payment in the future, you can apply online by preparing a proxy power of attorney and family relationship certificate in the case of general business. Businesses that are prohibited or restricted from collective must prepare a copy of the business registration certificate, and a confirmation of business types that are prohibited or restricted by local governments.

-Is it possible to receive support funds only in the account of the representative’s own name?

△ In the case of individual business owners, an account in the name of the representative and corporations is the principle. However, minors, account holders, etc., can apply for confirmation payment in February with a separate account with a family relationship document attached.

-What should I do if it is difficult to apply online?

△ If online use is difficult, such as the elderly, blind, and severely ill patients, you can apply with the help of family members, staff, and small business support center staff. Even in this case, the application must be made in the name of the representative.

-If you receive a text message and enter your business number, but you are not eligible for the primary payment,

△ In the case of operating multiple business sites, it may be the case that the business number of the business site that does not meet the criteria for small business owners or the business site excluding support fund support is entered.

-May I not be able to receive text messages on the 11th?

△ The small business owner can apply online immediately on the 11th after receiving the notification text. However, for smooth application, an odd-even system (even on the 11th and even on the 12th) is operated based on the last digit of the business registration number for both days from 11 to 12. Information text messages will also be sent out on 11-12 days. From the 13th, you can apply without any distinction. The government plans to start payment in the afternoon of the day of application as early as the 11th and complete it by the end of this month.

-If you are a group banned or restricted business, but you have not received a text message and the online system says that you are not eligible for payment,

△ The targets to be paid from the 11th are the ones that have been confirmed first by receiving a list from the National Tax Service and local governments. Winter sports facilities and lodging facilities, which are subject to special quarantine during the year-end and New Year holidays, and companies that are prohibited from gathering or restricted by local governments are expected to receive applications after the 25th. From February 1, small business owners can apply directly from local governments by receiving a confirmation of the business type prohibiting collective or business restrictions.

-If a group is prohibited and the payment amount is 1 million won

△ This is a case where the company pays 1 million won first because it is not identified as a group banned or restricted business. Currently, the list of companies that are prohibited from gathering or restricted from business is being organized through additional local governments, and a text message will be provided as soon as it is confirmed. If it is confirmed as a group prohibited or restricted business, the difference (1 million won or 2 million won) is paid.

-Can I receive duplicate support from the central government or local governments?

△ Support for the security of livelihoods of the underprivileged, such as the emergency employment security support for special type workers and freelancers, should not be duplicated. If duplicate support is confirmed, it is subject to return. It is supported regardless of local government subsidies.

-Can foreigners and minor business owners receive support?

△ Foreigners and minors with business registration are also supported if they meet the requirements.

-Can a convenience store with a high proportion of low-margin cigarette sales have different sales standards?

△ It is difficult to apply different standards for small business owners according to various types of industries and numerous items handled. In a situation where administrative information is used for quick support, it is virtually impossible to investigate and exclude some items with low profits from sales.

-The same convenience store, but some of them are supported by restricted business, and some are supported by general business.

△ If the restaurant is operated by reporting business to the local government as a rest restaurant, it is actually a rest restaurant, although it may appear as a convenience store, and is subject to prohibition of gatherings and business restrictions due to social distancing.

/ Reporter Kim Kyung-rim [email protected]

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