Spring apartment building… Newlyweds looking for charter

A view of Mapo Prestige Xi, a large apartment complex moving in in Seoul in March. [사진제공 = GS건설]

picture explanationA view of Mapo Prestige Xi, a large apartment complex moving in in Seoul in March. [사진제공 = GS건설]

The number of apartment occupants nationwide that exceeded 20,000 units per month at the beginning of this year is expected to significantly decrease to the level of 15,000 units next month. From April to May, it is expected to fall further to the level of 10,000 households per month, making it difficult to find rental properties during the spring moving season.

According to Jikbang, a real estate information company on the 22nd, the number of apartment occupants nationwide in March was 14,700, a 38% drop from this month. The number of occupants in January and February was 2,252 and 23,786, respectively. In March, in particular, the number of occupants in the metropolitan area will decrease and the number of local occupants will increase. In March, the number of occupants in the metropolitan area was 5598, down 66% from February (16,511 households). On the other hand, the number of local apartments occupied 9102 households, up 25% MoM. Local apartments occupied 62% of the total volume in March.

Young-jin Ham, head of Jikbang Big Data Lab, said, “This year, the number of apartments occupied in the first and fourth quarters, unfortunately, significantly decreases during the peak season for moving in April-May and September-October.” It may be difficult to find a chartered property.” Usually, when a new apartment moves in, about 70% of the apartments are for sale in the cheonsei market, and the amount of occupancy is expected to decrease, and the number of jeonse rentals is expected to decrease. The number of apartment occupants nationwide increased to 2,156 households in August, and then declined again in the autumn moving season. In September, 15,712 households and 10,052 households are expected to move in.

With the 2nd Lease Act (the previous month’s tax limit and the right to apply for contract renewal), which took effect at the end of July last year, the number of leased rentals has decreased sharply, making it even more difficult for new tenants to find a rental house. With the right to apply for contract renewal, the number of existing renters staying in the jeonse for two more years has led to a sharp decline in jeonse rentals. Compared to the end of last year, when the cheonsei crisis intensified, jeonse sales increased slightly, but the decline in jeonse prices was not so large that tenants could not avoid’expensive jeonse’.

Accordingly, in the real estate online community, sex toggles such as “It is too harsh for homeless people” and “2021 is likely to be remembered as the year of pre-generation” are coming up one after another. Some tenants have also entered the’long-term war’, such as searching for a property for half a year. It is common to obtain a private house 3 months in advance, but since obtaining a private house with a desired price is like’picking the stars in the sky,’ it means that you have to sell your feet in advance to avoid the worst situation in the streets.

As for Jikbang, the number of occupied households is expected to decrease to 10,000 households per month in April and May, raising concerns over the intensifying jeonse crisis in some regions. Jikbang said, “In April, only 2041 households will move in in the metropolitan area, and in May, the total number of occupants is expected to decrease to 10,000 units per month.” He predicted that it may be difficult to find chartered properties in areas where the number of occupants is small as it is a lot of Lee Lee.

KB Kookmin Bank’s senior expert real estate expert Park Won-gap said, “The jeonse market is reorganizing into’the rent for jeonse’ due to the increase in the holding tax, and the jeonse market will continue to be unstable this year due to the decline in occupancy and low interest rates.

[권한울 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
