SPOTVNEWS: Chairman La Liga “Financial problem in Barcelona? Blame for Corona 19, not Messi”

▲ Lionel Messi.

[스포티비뉴스=맹봉주 기자] Where did Barcelona’s fiscal crisis, leading to bankruptcy, begin?

Recently, in Spain, Lionel Messi’s enormous salary is a hot topic. Messi has received a total of 555 million euros (about 750 billion won) from Barcelona for four seasons until this year. Spanish media’El Mundo’ evaluated the contract between Messi and Barcelona as “the largest contract in sports history.”

The media continued, “Messi is getting too much money from Barcelona. Barcelona has ruined the club’s finances because of a deal with Messi.”

Barcelona currently owes at least £1 billion in debt alone (about 1.53 trillion won). The situation is so serious that it is impossible to pay the squad’s salaries on time due to lack of money.

Before the start of the season, I had to reduce the amount of money spent by organizing the first team players, but it was useless. Recently, Manchester City central defender Eric Garcia, who had long hoped for a signing, did not have a £15.4 million transfer fee. Garcia plans to sign a free agent next summer without spending any money.

Considering that the salary given to players is the biggest part of the club’s expenditure,’El Mundo’ is not very wrong.

However, Spain’s President La Liga Javier Tevas gave a different opinion. The crisis of Barcelona’s fiscal collapse is due to Corona 19, not Messi.

He tweeted, “It is not because of Messi that Barcelona is experiencing a financial crisis right now. The impact of Corona 19 is great.” “Income would have been an advantage over expenditures. It is not right to put the club’s financial responsibility on the player.”

Spotify News = Reporter Maeng Bongju

Report> [email protected]

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