Sports Seoul- [공식]’Buttercup’ Han Ye-ri, Golden List Best Actress Award

Han Yeri Mina

[스포츠서울 남혜연기자]The movie’Buttercup’ is emerging as a’second parasite’ by conveying a series of rumors.

Earlier, director Jeong Isak and actor Yoon Yeo-jeong delivered favorable reviews and awards at film festivals around the world, and interest in another actor Han Ye-ri is focusing.

Han Ye-ri has won the Best Actress Award at the Gold List Awards hosted by the Asia Pacific Entertainment Association (CAFE), and is receiving enthusiastic support from Asian filmmakers.
Naturally, they are turning on a green light for the Oscar race.

The Gold List Awards Ceremony was held by the 30th anniversary of the Asia Pacific Entertainment Alliance (CAPE), which supports education, media leadership, and content diversity for Asian Americans and Pacific residents, and the non-profit organization’Gold House’ that protects Asian identity and supports cultural diversity. Organize together. The reason why this awards ceremony was even more meaningful is that, along with actor Han Ye-ri’s first actress award, director Jung Isaac and leading actors both swept the trophy and achieved the most seven crowns.

In addition, Gold House, which hosted the Gold List Awards Ceremony, became a hot topic last year by actively supporting the’#goldopen’ hashtag campaign for the successful Oscar race of’Parasite’ and the box office box office in North America. This year,’Buttercup’, who won the most 7 crowns at this awards ceremony, will take over the baton of’Parasite’ and receive support from Gold House.

In addition, the film that won the Film of the Year Award from the American Film Institute (AFI) was nominated for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, and Best Screenplay at the Film Independent Spirit Awards (FISA), also called “Independent Film Industry Oscars.” In the Best Supporting Actress category, actors Han Ye-ri and Yoon Ye-ri, who showed perfect acting breathing in the relationship between mother and daughter in the play, were nominated together, and were nominated in 5 categories and 6 nominations. In addition, director Jeong Isak was nominated for Best Picture, Director, and Screenplay, and actor Stephen Yeon was nominated for Best Actor and was named in major categories. The winners of this year’s 36th Film Independent Spirit Awards will be announced on April 24th.

Director Jeong Isak, who participated in the production and screenplay of’Minari’, a wonderful story awaited by the whole world in 2021, which contains a very special journey of a Korean family who left for an unfamiliar United States in search of hope. He was nominated for the Camera Award, Notable Gaze, and is a famous director who made a big splash in the film industry. In addition, Brad Pitt’s production company Plan B, who produced Academy Award-winning works such as’Moonlight’ and ’12 Years of Slave’, was in charge of the production.

Meanwhile,’Buttercup’ will be released at theaters nationwide in March this spring.

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