On the 16th, Ho-young Joo, the representative of the People’s Power, is calling for a special prosecution, state affairs investigation, and a full investigation by members of the National Assembly in relation to the LH real estate speculation at the Communication Hall of the National Assembly on the 16th.
On the 16th, the ruling and opposition parties reached an agreement in principle to introduce a special prosecution and state affairs investigation in relation to the speculative excommunication of LH employees, and conduct a full investigation of members of the National Assembly. As the public outrage over suspicions of real estate speculation using inside information increased, the political world took the form of mobilizing all possible means to address this. However, regarding the scope of the investigation of the special prosecution, the timing of the investigation of the state affairs, and the method of full investigation, the parties must come to a concrete agreement. Like the saying that’the devil is in the details’, there should not be a time delay after the ruling and opposition parties are engaged in a battle that is just a throwing ball over detailed matters in the process of negotiating with them.
The principled agreement between the ruling and the opposition parties took a sharp turn as Ho-young Joo, the National Power, accepted the full-scale investigation of members of the National Assembly proposed by the ruling party and the introduction of a special prosecution. In addition to the ruling party’s proposal, the Joo demanded that all land traders in the third new town be subjected to a state-political investigation, and not only members of the National Assembly, but also requested a full investigation of direct existence, local government heads, public institutions, and the Blue House. Together with Democratic Party leader Kim Tae-nyeon, he announced that he would accept this and proceed with consultations.
First of all, the opposition parties approached their opinions on conducting special prosecutors, state affairs, and real estate investigations, but there are many issues that need to be resolved as the three measures have been raised simultaneously. In the thorough investigation alone, the opposition party insisted that the Blue House be included, while the ruling party showed subtle differences, such as demanding candidates for by-election and direct standing. In the case of an investigation into the state affairs, there is a view within the ruling party that “it can be a place of political offensive”, so negotiations between the two parties over time, etc. may face difficulties.
The willingness to eradicate speculation from public officials is welcome, but it is a matter of concern that the opposition parties present stronger cards and pressure opponents as if competing. This is because there is no possibility that the negotiations will be stranded after only competing for clarity to raise the level of demand by being conscious of the April by-election. If the ruling and opposition parties do not agree on a concrete implementation plan as soon as possible, it is inevitable that the accusation of only holding a show to escape the situation cannot be avoided.
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