Space Goddess Jo Min-ah “Sentenced’one year in the future’ at the hospital, and went back and forth on the threshold of death”

Cho Min-ah, a former member of the group jewelry, delivered a positive message after overcoming the fight against Raynaud’s syndrome.

On the 31st, Cho Min-ah posted a long article on Instagram with a bright expression, saying, “Last 2020 was a year where hardship and happiness coexisted.”

Minah Cho said, “The baking class studio & bakery business, which had been burning passion for 8 years, was forced to collapse as Raynaud’s syndrome and symptoms worsened and plugged into the respiratory system. “I looked back on the last year.

“But in the same year, I met’my only lifelong person’ who cares for me and loves me with all my heart, and formed a marriage relationship, and I also received the blessing of being a pretty baby angel,’Peekaboo.’ I had no choice but to be energetic while living in society, but in fact, I think my dad gave me a’real family’ to my daughter who would have been lonely.”

In addition, Jo Min-ah delivered a message of hope, saying, “Life is always unpredictable, but the important thing is if you do the best you can without setting limits or falling apart, life can always flow in a positive direction.”

At the same time, he said, “I have been sentenced to’one year in the future’ at the hospital, and I have been through the threshold of death many times, and what I dare say is not that I survived because I was strong, but because I survived, I am strong.” Hinted.

Finally, Minah Jo concluded, “Last year, both personally and socially, have been difficult due to Corona 19. I sincerely hope that this disaster will end as soon as possible without any more victims.”

Raynaud’s syndrome, which Min-ah Jo suffered, is a rare disease in which blood vessels are constricted at the ends of the body, such as fingers, toes, nose, and ears, and blood circulation disorders occur because blood vessels react excessively to cold or stress. He first confessed to fighting the disease in June of last year.

Meanwhile, on the 15th of last month, Cho Min-ah was married to a six-year-old husband after three weeks of dating. The couple, who have already registered their marriage, are scheduled to officially hold their wedding in February next year.

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