South Korea`s first platform satellite reaches orbit (Opens the era of satellite platform… Successful launch of the next-generation medium-sized satellite 1)

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[Photo by Korea Aerospace Research Institute]

picture explanation[Photo by Korea Aerospace Research Institute]

Korea’s first’next-generation medium-sized satellite (car mid-size satellite) No. 1′, which can serve as a standard platform, was launched.

South Korea`s first satellite with a “standard platform” body was successfully launched to orbit on Monday, said the Ministry of Science and ICT, and the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI).

On the 22nd, the Ministry of Science and ICT announced that the vehicle-based satellite 1 developed by the Korea Aerospace Research Institute was launched on the Russian Soyuz 2.1a rocket at the Baikonur Space Center in Kazakhstan at 3:07 pm as scheduled. The vehicle medium satellite 1 is a 500kg-class satellite and can secure images with a resolution of 50cm.

The 500-kilogram Compact Advanced Satellite was carried into space by Russia`s Soyuz 2.1a launcher, which took off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan at 3:07 pm

The intermediate satellite platform can serve as the main body of the satellite. Satellites are generally divided into main bodies and payloads. The body moves the satellite and the payload performs the actual mission. General research institutes and private companies can attach an already made payload to the main body or develop a new payload that they want and attach it to the platform.

Developed by state-owned KARI, the new satellite features a standard platform body for traveling, allowing a chunk of its system can be combined with various payload models for functioning developed by private companies. This will save development time and money.

After launch, the vehicle satellite 1 is expected to start transmitting images in earnest from October after undergoing an initial operation process for about 6 months in a solar synchronous orbit at an altitude of 497.8 km after launch.

The satellite will conduct a trial run in its orbit 497.8 kilometers above the ground for the next six months before going on duty in October.

The vehicle median satellite 1 can secure an image with a resolution of 50 cm. The 50cm resolution is the same level as the’Arirang 3A’, which boasts the highest performance among Korean optical satellites.

The satellite`s camera can capture black-and-white images of 50-centimeter resolution that is comparable with the country`s top-grade optical observation satellite Arirang 3A.

The Chajung Satellite 1 was developed with the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport investing a budget of about 157.9 billion won. In the future, it will be utilized mainly in accordance with the demand for satellite imagery in the public sector, from providing precise ground observation images to managing land and resources, and responding to disasters.

The satellite developed under a 157.9 billion won ($140 million) project will send videos for various purposes such map creation, land resource management and disaster control.

Editor`s Pick

. orbit: orbit (e.g. the moon`s orbit around Earth)

. launcher: launcher

. take off: to take off, to soar * land: to land

. feature: include

. chunk: chunk

. payload: The payload of the satellite. Loaded cargo such as trucks

. above (the) ground: on the ground *below ground: on the ground. *above sea (level): altitude

. go on duty: start working

. black-and-white: black and white *Color image: color image

. disaster control: disaster/disaster control. management

. trial run: trial run (= pilot run, test run)

. be combined with: to be combined with

◆Editor`s Note

. satellite: Satellites of planets (such as the moon), as well as satellites such as weather and communications devices.

For reference, the planet is planet. A star (star) is a star.

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
