“Song Myung-geun and Shim Gyeong-seop are deprived of national university qualifications as a’volleyball schoolboy’… neither leader can”

The photo shows Lee Jae-young (left) and Lee Da-young of Heungkuk Life, who were selected as All-Stars by fan vote before the match between Incheon Heungkuk Life and Seoul GS Caltex held at Incheon Gyeyang Gymnasium on the 26th of last month. yunhap news

Yong-koo Cho, Secretary General, Korea Volleyball AssociationThis “school violence perpetrator Song Myung-geun and Shim Gyeong-seop are also disciplined except for the selection of the national team indefinitely.He said.

In an interview with CBS Radio’Kim Hyun-jung’s News Show’ on the 16th, Secretary Cho said, “Song Myung-geun and Shim Gyeong-seop of OK Financial Group also organized their appearances by themselves, saying’I will not play’ because of the school violence in high school. He said, “We are going to suspend the national qualification.”

He added, “If the disciplinary action is imposed, the qualification as a leader will be deprived of qualifications as a senior disciplinary experience will be restricted even when obtaining a leader qualification in the future.”

The association’s measures Same as the measures taken against Lee Jae-young and Da-young Lee of Heungkuk Life’s women’s volleyball playerAs a result, the association seems to have stepped up first with OK Financial Group, the team’s team, not taking action at the club level against the players.

“With this incident, the Volleyball Association will launch the Sports Rights and Human Rights Center separately from the Athletes’ Committee, and will conduct a full investigation of violence damage for all players registered with the Association.”Even in minor cases, participation is suspended for 1 year or more and less than 3 years, and in case of serious cases, participation for more than 3 years, suspension of qualifications, or permanent expulsion is possible“I said.

Secretary-General Cho said about the reason why violence does not decrease in the sports world, “I think it is because there are hierarchical order and sexual supremacy as I live in a group.” “Because the sports field is narrow, there are some things like silent cartel.” Said.

Regarding other measures to prevent recurrence, he said, “The Volleyball Association and the Volleyball Federation have an emergency meeting this afternoon together and are thinking about the areas where disciplinary action can be applied,” he said. “I think strong discipline will not recur in the future.” Told.

Sungwon Son reporter

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