Son Heung-min, offside bad news… Tottenham’s 4th place jump frustration

In the English Premier League, Sohn Heung-min’s team, Tottenham, lost to Liverpool, a top rival, and was thwarted to jump to fourth place.

Son Heung-min, who came out as a flanking striker, received a pass from Harry Kane 3 minutes after the start of the game and scored the first goal, but an off-side foul was declared and swallowed up regret.

As a result of the video reading, when Son Heung-min exchanged a two-to-one pass with Ndombele earlier, it was revealed that the heel was slightly ahead of the opponent’s defense, and the score was canceled.

Son Heung-min shot through the left side in the 22nd minute, but was blocked by the opposing goalkeeper.

It was Liverpool who scored the opening goal.

Overtime in the first half, Manet poked a pass from the left, and Pirminu finished it with his right foot.

Liverpool’s uptrend went up 2-0 with Alexander Arnold scoring an extra goal two minutes after the start of the second half.

Two minutes later, Hoivier’s strong mid-range shot followed one goal, but in the second half of the 20th minute, Liverpool Manet scored one more goal and eventually knelt to Liverpool 3-1.

Liverpool moved the ranks from 5th to 4th with 37 points, while Tottenham remained in 6th.

In addition, Tottenham is expected to have a huge gap in offense as key goalkeeper Harry Kane injured his ankle in this match and will not be able to play for weeks.

German professional football Leipzig Hwang Hee-chan’s transfer to Premier League West Ham is expected to be canceled.

Local media reported that Leipzig Nigelsmann officially announced in an interview that Hwang Hee-chan was unable to transfer.

Hwang Hee-chan, who transferred to Leipzig this season, scored 1 goal and 1 help in the opening game, but since then, due to corona 19 infection and injury, he has only played in 9 games, raising the rumor of a transfer to West Ham.
