Son Dambi “5kg weight loss goal, low carbon diet, I’m already losing face” (Dambison)[종합]

[엑스포츠뉴스 김예나 기자] Son Dam-bi announced the beginning of a diet and announced his weight loss goal.

On the 2nd, Son Dam-bi uploaded a video titled “Son Dam-bi’s Diet Vlog. Pilates” through her personal YouTube channel Dambison.

Along with the video, Son Dam-bi added, “I started on a diet for the upcoming summer. So, today I am going to show you how I do pilates hard. I hope you spend a healthy night with Dambison.”

In the released video, Son Dam-bi appeared in black short-sleeved tee and leggings, saying, “This is where I do Pilates.”

Son Dambi said, “I hate the exercise, but I started low-tango paper these days. It wasn’t a few days, but the teacher told me that today I think I’ve lost a little of my face,” said Son Dambi.

“I’ve heard a lot of people saying that eating a lot of fat will give you strength, but I’m still very tired. After three weeks, I can still lose 4kg. My goal is 4kg and 5kg, so I’ll try hard. I will do it,” he added and showed his will.

Son Dam-bi introduced a Pilates teacher and confessed, “It’s famous for making it hard. Pilates is an exercise that people think is not difficult. I don’t think Pilates is more difficult than fitness. If you look at my face, you know?”

At the same time, “I am also using an impression. I will try to make an impression once again” and started the exercise in earnest.

Son Dam-bi, who had been practicing Pilates for a long time, said, “I’ve only done half a set of what I’ve been doing,” and said, “I’m on a diet now. I don’t have power.”

Son Dambi revealed that he started pilates three years ago. Recalling the time, he explained, “It was rehabilitation at that time. At that time, my shoulder muscles were torn and I couldn’t raise my arm. Even now, both rotations are not the same,” he explained.

In addition, Son Dambi said, “I am a person who works out to live,” and said, “It is so amazing that people who like exercise are so amazing.” He also made a laugh by looking at the passionate Pilates teacher.

[email protected] / Photo = Dambison YouTube video screen
