‘Sometimes the boss’ Park Bo-young goes to work for the first time… Tae-Hyun Cha X In-Sung Jo’Saving Pitcher’ (Comprehensive)

tvN’s accidentally boss’ capture © News1

‘Sometimes the boss’ Park Bo-young appeared.

On the afternoon of the 4th, in the tvN entertainment program “Sometimes President,” actor Park Bo-young came to work as an Alba student for the first time and focused his attention. He played an active part as relief pitcher Cha Tae-hyun and Jo In-seong.

On this day, Park Bo-young came to the store with frequent steps. “Would you like to wait?” he greeted happily as soon as he saw Cha Tae-hyun and Jo In-seong.

Park Bo-young has built a strong relationship with Cha Tae-hyun in 2008, starting from meeting him in his work. Jo In-seong, who is between Cha Tae-hyun and her best friend, is also known to be personally close.

The full-scale takeover of Alba has begun. Park Bo-young laughed at the price tag written in handwriting, saying, “I don’t know if it will help.” Cha Tae-hyun and Jo In-sung deliberately brought snacks, ice cream, etc. and paid for them to laugh.

The two bosses directed Albasaeng to cancel the card. Park Bo-young seemed confused for a moment, but calmly proceeded to cancel the card. Cha Tae-hyun was surprised, saying, “How are you going to do it?” Then he smiled with joy, saying, “Have you tried a job?” Jo In-seong also helped out, “Oh, you tried it~ You’re perfect, here it is!”

Immediately the first guest came. Park Bo-young did not panic at all and looked at the price list and calculated it. The customer’s credit card payment was also done quickly. Park Bo-young questioned the price of canned coffee. He informed Cha Tae-hyun that the large size seems to be the cause of 2,000. Cha Tae-hyun honestly laughed, saying, “In fact, that was in my heart from yesterday.”

Park Bo-young, who even corrected the price that even the presidents didn’t know, quickly finished calculating numerous products afterwards. He constantly checked the prices of all the items he was curious about. Cha Tae-hyun was satisfied with the appearance of a limited-class Alba, saying, “I can afford this because one more person has come.”

Park Bo-young showed warmth with a quick glance and polite appearance. When I found an old man walking outside the store, I first asked, “Do you need anything?” When he heard the answer, he pulled out coffee from the vending machine and handed it over, “This is a little hot. Eat it carefully and slowly.”

On the other hand,’Oddly President’ is a program containing the rural super business journals of city men Cha Tae-hyun and Jo In-sung who are in charge of a rural store, and will be broadcast every Thursday at 8:40 pm.

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